The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

L' THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1937 r- 1r Plan Autumn Bulb Plantings Soon SPRING BULBS WANT ORDERING FOR EARLY FALL Narcissus and Hyacinths Atre Planted in Late Tulips Are Held Until Frost By Arnold M. Davis Most gardeners are aware of the charm which a bed of tulips a and any garden flowering, spring of the other spring bulbs adds, to year. The bulbs for plantings: of this type should be ordered early (because the early orders are' Alled with large size bulbs. Furthermore, the varieties which you may be interested in are pretty certain to be whereas, if you wait until the end of the season, you have to take varieties of bulbs which 'were not originally destred. Certain types of bulbs are quite certain to be sold out each year.

For example, it is, ditfcult to get the Snowdrop Squill runless orders are put in early. Then it Is desirable to get of narcissus and byacinths planted early in the season, even the mildle part of This gives the tailbs ample opportunity to develop a large, normal root which will, do much to the quality of the bloom another season. When ordering bulbs bear the uses which you are goin! make of Decide on how thuch garden arca you expect to devote to bulbs, and then order bulbs with the idca of creating a definite picture. For example, there are two ways of using particularly tulips formal way and the informal way. If you had a garden which was laid out geometrically, perhaps with a square bed in the center and four L-shaped beds on each of the four corners of the square bed, perhaps the formal method would given the best results.

In central bey you might place a goodly group of Pride tulips Harlem which tulips. bloom These at the are darwin tho season and are rather large and very showy. Around that group you could plant a double border of tulips, Avis Kennicott perhaps, which would give you very' striking effects at the time they are in bloom. Now since you would wish R. to have interest over long perlod as possible put some.

Aarly flowering tulips, the cottage flowering tulips, the darwin tulips, breeder tulips, into the other beds, perhapst. in sections or perhaps in borders "which run around the beds. Do not jumble them in, but keep them straight according to color. It this is 4 done, the planting effect will not only give you a full season of bloom but a very satisfactory appearance. Instead of suggesting variety names which can be grown, it seems me that It would be well for the gardener to procure a copy of a catalog and select varieties of the type which he particularly likes.

In this way? he is quite certain of getting garden effects which are going to aprieal to him. In the case of the other bulb.J, such 83 narcissus, you might naturalize them, working them into the foundation plantings. Work them' in the outer edge of the foundation plantings 80 that they can come up and, bloom and give a very sittisfactory showing. Narcissus. hyacinths and sol forth satisfactorily can be worked irito formal borders and they lend deal of Interest and grace to such a type of garden.

Planted next to shinibbery, In the spring of the year, th ey hold your interest before the shruts have leaved out. At the diesel hedges good location for. flowers. AS soon the shrults have taken over the responsibility the attractiveness of the garden your narcissus will have completed, a season of flowering, developer? their little warm ports bana almost every foliage, and Into cheerful, home boasts one or two 8. group of snowdrops Siberian squill.

These will come along and; bloom early in: the spring and get you prepared for your gardening activities, To be sure of producing tree effect that you are interested in; be cerfor flowering larsenahealthy to be tain having bulbs positive of getting the varieties that you want, you should carefully think out your order for bulbs and; place it now. This will not only insure you of these qualifications, hut edso may wise gardener who orders his bulbs in a discount. it is A a at this season of the year for planting later in the fall. PINK BEST SHADE FLOWERS TO USE DAYS OR NIGHTS Many Enjoy Arranging Them Indoors'; Some Colors Do Not Show Well Under Lights By Dorothy IT. Jenkins Tre you enjoying your flowers to the full indoors as well as tout? And are you having real pleasure cutting them sand making pleasing! arrangements that will last several days? Colors, and choosing flowers, to form Interesting color combinaticlas, interest people more than any offer phase of flower arrangement.

ail Did all-round you shade know for. that pink day the and the night best use, showing up as well wander electricity as in the That red and blue are colors 'to use at night, lights making them, look faded? Purple also becomes dead and black under lights, even sunshiny vellow loses some of its brilliancy. in dark corners or against dark wood. The dark colors do a show up well white for the dark rooms-it will make- them look brighter and cooler--yellow and. orange will be fine there, too.

Pastel colors are cooler looking on hot summery days but since green is the coolest s'hade of all, lots of. it used with bright colors makes them bearable to look at anywhere. matter what colors are usIng singly or together, don't try to force their stems into unnatural lines. Follow the lines of the stems and flowers and let them follow their own for the most rheasing fect in a vase. And don't let flowers BAY things about you, for wilted flowers bespeak carelessness and neriect and any arrangement your own rood taste.

WILL ORGANIZE COATLESS MEN Symmetrical Beauty Is Exemplified Here An emerald turf panel flanked main terminus, with architectural happy combination in pleasing be carried out HYBRID CORN UNIFORM AND PRODUCTIVE Experiments With Field Corn of Worth in Producing Variety That Is Disease Resistant Some of the greatest advances in breeding techniquc in recent times have been made with field corn--in particular, the method of crossing certain inbred lines to produce a hybrid that has remarkable uniformity and productiveness. These advances have naturally been reflected in sweet corn breeding also. Two outstanding needs have dominated breeding work. First, the canning industry requires stocks that are as uniform as possible in every way, besides having high yield. Second, the fact that sweet corn cannot be grown in the South, largely because of the ravages of the corn earworm and of bacterial wilt, makes it highly desirable to develop resistant varieties.

Revolutionizes Canning: Breeders have met the first need so effectively with the newer types of hybrid corn that the canning industry itself has been revolutionized by the uniformity in texture and consistency of grains and the uniformity of tipening in the field. "Whole grain" canned corn, "frozen packs." and new machinery have been made possible work of breeders. About 80 per cent of the yellow sweet corn grown for canning now consists of the newer hybrids, and about half of this is golden cross bantam, a product of the United States Department of Agriculture in co-operation with Indiana's Purdue University station. Other States that have led in recent breeding work have been Maine, Illinois, Connecticut and Minnesota. Not the least of the advantages of golden cross bantam corn is its resistance to bacterial wilt.

Promising work is in progress to meet. the second major need-extension of the sweet corn region southward--by hybridizing sweet corn with the naturally ear-worm resistant dent field corns of the South. The factors that make this dent corn resistant to the ear-worm have not yet been satisfactorily determined, but varieties developed from sweet -dent hybrids like honey June and surecropper sugar have more resistance than any other sweet corn. Leaders in this work have been the stations in Texas, Florida, Georgia and California. Truck and home gardeners South are keenly Interested in these efforts.

The characteristic kernel composition of sweet corn, which distinguishes a it The give from form presence field of the corn, of gene this depends for recessive on a starchiness. reces- prevents the conversion of some of the sugar into starch. A good deal of work has been done on inheritance in sweet corn. Popcorn pops because the horny endosperm in which the starch grains are embedded confines the steam generated by heat until it develops sufficlent force to explode the kernel, and the differences can be easily measPopcorns a differ in popping expansion, ured. They also differ in tenderness and flavor of the popped kernels, proby trim borders of perennials, the gleaming features at other terminal points, shrubs, symmetrical arrangement.

Even in a amall inexpensively. This is a purely formal I ductiveness, and resistance to diseases and Insects. Fortunately high poppability and tenderness secm to go together, but unfortunately high poppability and productiveness do not, So that in breeding a compromise is necessary between these two characteristics. Popcorn Breeding Limited Breeding work with popcorn has been relatively limited, but it has produced some promising results. Mass selection, based on actual popping the amount of soft white starch in tests a or on 8 roungh comparison OR of kernels (the more starch, the less popping expansion) is useful in bringing about a gradual improvement in popping expansion, at least up to a certain point.

The Improvement in a sixyear experiment by the Federal Department in co-operation with the Kansas station was about 36 per cent, and the improved strain has been distributed supergold. Hybridization of Inbred lines has been carried on by several stations. At the Minnesota station, 250 lines of a selection of jap hulless were developed by inbreeding, then culled to seven lines by selection, and all possible crosses were made among the lines. One cross was selected as superior; the hybrid, named minhybrid has had a 16 per cent higher yield and a 29 per cent higher popping expansion than" the jap hulless used for comparison. continuation of this project with new inbred lines is now in station, a promising threeway hybrid progress pure Minnesota.

At the Iowa is now under test, and a group of inbreds is in the developmental stage. In co-operative project between the Department and the station, 81 hybrids have been produced recently, of which about one fourth show some Improvement. in popping expansion, and almost 90 per cent show a marked improvement in yield. The Michigan station is now carrying on an Interesting experiment in producing synthetic varleties by combinIng A fairly large number of inbred lines. Injury caused by aiseases and Insects is a distinct drawback in commercial popcorn.

In the case of some diseases, selection for commercial tends also to bring about some selection for resistance. In the Southern States particularly, damage from corn ear-worm and from storage Insects is serious. The Texas station has a project under way in which an attempt is being made to introduce the insect resistance of their adapted neld corn varieties into popcorn of good popping quality. What do you recommend for a fertilizer for dogwood? These plants have been in the ground for three years, but have grown very little. What kind of 8 trap do you recommend for moles? My yellow lady's slippers come up each year but the leaves are badly eaten.

What would you suggest to encourage the plants to bloom and to discourage Insect pests? J. B. A complete garden fertilizer and an application of peat moss should stimulate your dogwood to grow. One of the traps which stands over the runs with spears pro that run down into the ground probably the most practical trap that you could get for moles. A rotenone spray applied at 10-day intervals from the time lady's slippers first show up until the plant develops and makes its normal growth will control ravages of insects.

A small amount of compost of leaf mold worked around the plants is the best form of food which you can give it. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry Save $19.25 on a New GAS Range the Mid-cumme*r GAS RANGE SALE A will be over in THREE MORE is DAYS Springfield Gas Light Co. O'Connell Kidnap Defense Is Ended Counsel for Five Says He "May" Present Witnesses During Rebuttal BINGHAMTON, N. July 27 (AP) -A 16-day defense of eight men on trial for the 1933 kidnaping of John J. O'Connell, ended today with testimony from 52 witnesses in the record.

Completion of the defense case was announced with a reservation by Joseph A. Butler, counsel for five. of the defendants, that 1. he "may" interrupt rebuttal testimony to, call "a couple of witnesses." The Government opened its rebuttal immediately with testimony by Ignatius J. Gannon, New York City detective, contradicting that given by Defense Witness Tony Clinton Prison convict.

Narcotics Are Seized In False-Bottom Trunk ROUSES POINT, N. July 27 of a large false-bottom quantity trunk of on a Delaware da Hudson train last night was reported today by Roy Delano, acting deputy collector in charge of the U. S. Customs here. A man whose identity was not disclosed was arrested, Delano said.

The man was to be arraigned this afternoon before Commissioner William F. Hynes of Plattsburg, N. Delano said. MARK HANNA'S NIECE WED NEW YORK, July 27 (AP)-Madge Carrington Laidlaw, Park Ave. heiress and grand niecc of the late Mark Hanna, and William H.

Riley of Greenwich, surprised acquaintoday by announcing they were married yesterday at Rye, N. Y. KILLS WOMAN AS CLIMAX TO AN ILLICIT LOVE Jobless Auto Salesman Says He Strangled Her Because "She Didn't Want to Live Any Longer" NEW YORK, July 27. (AP) -Police quoted Stanley A. Martin, all unemployed automobile salesman, as saying he strangled a woman companion early today at her request because "she didn't want to live any longer." slaying, police said he told them, climaxed an illicit love affair which had become "hopeless" because both were married.

The victim, Mrs. Florence Jackson. 37, of Jackson Heights, mother of two children, was "found dead in a car driven by Martin when the alleged slayer stopped a radio police car and asked for medical aid for Mrs. Jackson. She had been garroted, police said, with a belt from her dress.

Patrolmen Carmody, Thomas driving Kelly the radio and Dent, said Martin told them he met Mrs. Jackson on in a restaurant last night and accompanied him to. several night clubs. "After we had driven around for a while," the officers quoted Martin as saying, "We discussed the futility of our love. We were both married and it looked hopeless.

She said, "What's the use of living--why not kill me?" complied with her request, according to police, because he "didn't want to disappoint her." He also planned to take his own: life and started to write a note explaining the tragedy when he became frightened. Macon (Ga.) Would Emancipate Convention-Bound Males MACON, July 27 (AP) -Tublisher W. T. Anderson of the Macon Telegraph mopped his brow today and announced organization. of the Independent.

Order of Coatless Men. lt Is a due-less, creedless, meetingleas. association designed to emancipate. males from their own inhibitions about running around without their the organization front page item, the editor and publisher asserted, "This order is going to be the greatest agency for world peace that has yet been set up." He explained it would give men a common purpose. From His move -Pelham, brought came quick this response.

signed by Editor Jim Chism of the Pelham Journal: "Our coat is off to you, my dear sir. You're right again as usual." Others cheered the program. In Atlanta, former Gov. Eugene Talmadge who has flaunted his red suspenders before many a crowd by doffing coat at political gatherings, indorsed Publisher Anderson as leader of the "no-coat" legion. "BIll, he's fat and pretty easy to get hot.

He'll make a good president for the coatless club," grinned the former Governor. Mayor William B. Hartsfield of Atalso approved idea for Stacon, with accents civic pride. "I think it's a fine idea for Macon where the weather's so hot." said Atlanta's mayor, "but here in Atlanta the climate is such that it isn't an issue with us." KAY'S REMOVAL i SALE! SAVE UP TO 181 Pc. "JOnQUIL" 1 NOW! ENSEMBLE NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGES is perfectly matched! Kay offers this beautiful 181-piece Ensemble.

Every single piece of this ensemble COMPLETE A complete service for 8 people! COAST. A A YEAR COAST TO 50 WEEK TO PAY Kay offers Springfield the grandest dinnerware value of the past 181 PIECES CONSIST OF: 5 Jonquil years! 53 dinnerware-24 pieces of pieces beautiful of DINNERWARE: SILVERWARE: Jonquil glassware, 88 pieces of 8 Plates 8 Knives matched silverware-7-piece con8 Butter Spreaders sole set, large table cloth and 8 8 Fruits 8 Cereal Spoons napkins every piece. designed 1 Sugar 1 Serving Fork and matched in the beautiful yel8. Cups 1 Butter Knife low and green Jonquil design. Get 8 Soup Plates 8 Forks yours NOW don't take any 1 Creamer Top 8 Cream 'Soups chances on waiting! 8 Saucers 16 Teaspoons 8' Salad Plates: 1 Ladel CLIP THIS COUPON 1.

Platter 1 KAY JEWERLY CO. 1 Sugar Shell A 1. Vegetable Dish 8 Fruit Spoons Springfield, Main St. Mass. GLASSWARE: 1 4 Table Serving Spoons Spoon Please semble advertised for $24.75 in 8 Salad Forks KAY The send Springfield me the Union.

181 Jonquil En8 Ice Tea Glasses 7-Pc. Console Set JEWELRY COMPANY Name 8 Water Glasses Large Table Cloth Address 8 Fruit Juice Glasses 8 Napkins 1431 MAIN ST. I acres to pay. 50c down and 50c weekly thereafter. Open Saturday Night L.

Martin said Mrs. Jackson had been going with him for about six months. He sald he was the father of one child and had been separated from his wife for several months. Company Seeks. Kidd's Treasure Money Pit of Pirate Is Sought by Americans in Scotia CHESTER, N.

July 27 (AP)Exploration the reputed "money pit" of the pirate, Capt. Kidd, was being attempted today by the Seventh Oak. Treasure Company. Frederick A. Krupp of the engineering firm.

of Sprague Henwood of Scranton, directed efforts of the company to overcome Atlantio tides, 153 feet under which Kidd's ingenious men are reputed to have buried the treasure. The shaft being sunk by Krupp is the 29th since what is thought to be the entrance to the cache was discovered in 1795. have since spent upward of $500,000 In hope of Jocating the treasure. As far back as 1830 drills brought up particles of gold and in 1877 what was believed to be the entrance to the cache was struck again and links of an ancient gold chain came to the surface. With electrical pumps and hoists, the Seventh Oak Treasure Company eventually hopes to pump out a shaft and make access to the chamber posFALLS WHILE PRAYING BUFFALO, N.

July 27 (AP)Clutching a rosary to her breast. Mrs. Sarah J. White. 72, dropped from a second-floor veranda today and died of injuries.

Police Lieut. Thomas F. Caulfield said she apparently fell while praying. Underground rivers of perpetual ice are found in the Modoc, lava beds. white pergola enclosing the evergreens and flowers--a garden, the same theme garden.

i i 41.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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