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The Rhinoceros Times®

Vol. XXII No. 39 © Copyright 2012 The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro, North Carolina www.rhinotimes.com Thursday, September 27, 2012

RhinoFrom staFF

and wire reports

Rumors it’s election season, which means you have some folks running around the county who say they want to get elected to the county commission. no

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Push Poll Probeby Scott D. yoStcounty eDitor

County Races Firing Up

by john hammereDitor

by paul c. clarkStaff Writer

Spreading $72 Million Around

by alex jakubSenStaff Writer

Board Kicks Old House To Curb

it seems that it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission when arguing a case before the Greensboro Board of adjustment.

at its monday, sept. 24 meeting, the board denied a request for 2 feet of variance for a proposed historic building

relocation. However, the board later granted a variance for a two-story structure that encroaches 7 feet into its 10-foot side setback and 3.2 into the 10-foot rear setback.

ann roberts requested the 2 feet of variance, which would have allowed her to relocate a

Guilford County schools shows every sign of having abandoned its plan to build a $72 million high school in western Guilford County – and its administrators spent much the Guilford County Board of education’s saturday, sept. 22 retreat trying to sell the school board on a plan that would spend the equivalent amount of money fixing existing schools and bringing them up to a baseline standard of equipment.

the plan is part of a major fight brewing on the Guilford County school board over the millions of dollars the school board will have left over from the almost $1 billion in school bonds approved by Guilford County voters since 2002.

at the retreat, the school board voted to spend $15 million of what will almost certainly be a much larger amount of money left over after the school board is

and they’re off.the political pot shots are flying

in the 2012 Guilford County Board of Commissioners races in what’s turning out to be three very lively contests. of course, these races might just seem lively because,

in the last county commissioners election, two years ago, all five candidates ran uncontested in the general election for the five open seats that year.

so the county commissioners races are due for a little excitement – and that’s what they’ve gotten.

this year, district 5 republican candidate Jeff phillips is coming hard after at-large Commissioner and district 5 candidate paul Gibson. phillips has been pointing at Gibson’s record of past property hikes as well as Gibson’s promise to – if elected to represent district 5 – push for a sales tax increase.

phillips said he’s highly opposed to property tax increases

remember the huge push polling scandal that was on the front page of the News & Record for days in late July. it was such a hot topic that News & Record editor Jeff Gauger wrote one of his rare columns about push polling and The Rhino Times

coverage of the scandal. the News & Record accused

City Councilmember and district

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Greece came to Greensboro last weekend at the annual Greek Festival at the Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church.

Photo by Sandy Groover

Photo by Sandy Groover

The Tate Street Festival filled the area with people and music Saturday. The festival under various names has been held since at least the 1970s.

Inside this issueHigh Point News ......... 10 Entertainment Guide ... 13Uncle Orson Reviews .. 14Puzzles ........... 14, 16, 33Scott’s Night Out ......... 15Yost Column ............... 16 Rhino Real Estate ....... 17Letters to the Editor .... 29Editorial Cartoon ......... 42under the hammer ...... 43

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 2

County Editor, Scott D. yostStaff Writer, paul c. clarkStaff Writer, alex jakubsen

Science Editor, Dr. jimmy tee Muse, elaine hammer Spiritual Advisor, paul teich

Office Manager, erika Sloan Art Director, anthony councilCartoonist, Geof brooksSenior Account Manager, johnny SmithAccount Executives, jordan cauley, marianne roweAccount Exec. & Classified Ads, melissa SmithSales Assistant, amy mchenry

We Make Conservatism Cool TMThe Rhinoceros Times®

The Rhinoceros Times, an award-winning newspaper, is published weakly by hammer publications, 216 W. market St., Greensboro, north carolina.

The Rhino Times is intended to entertain and inform its thousands of readers worldwide. mailing address: p.o. box 9421 Greensboro, nc 27429 news: (336) 273-0880 advertising: (336) 273-0885

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john hammerEditor & Publisher

City Says The Rhino Is Right For Once

by john hammereDitor

i received an unexpected phone call this week from Greensboro City manager denise turner roth. the call actually wasn’t unexpected, but the content of the call was very unexpected and very heartening.

roth called to say that The Rhino Times had been right and she had been wrong. she said that The Rhino was “definitely technically correct.”

in this business you don’t get many of those calls. Last week i had written a scathing column about how the city manager’s office was

wrong and had unfairly accused The Rhino of not getting our facts straight. Fortunately for all, that column wasn’t published because i finally got to speak to roth. we had such a good game of telephone tag going it didn’t seem like we would ever actually speak to each other. However, i apparently dropped the ball at one point – i was it and wasn’t aware of it.

But last week i finally got roth on the phone and she listened to what i had to say. roth responded that she would look into the situation and let me know what she found. roth actually did that, and when she found out we were right she called to tell me.

it is good to know that we have a city manager who realizes she is human and makes mistakes. one of the reasons our city government is still in such bad shape is that we had a city manager for far too long who was never wrong and never made a mistake. Fortunately for the good of the city that city manager, mitch Johnson, was fired in march 2009.

But the city manager is a powerful position and Greensboro’s government has not yet recovered. the city would be much farther along the road to recovery if former City manager rashad Young were still in the corner office across the street. But after he left last fall things were in limbo until roth was named city manager in June.

there is a world of difference between an acting city manager and a city manager. there is no doubt right now that roth is the city manager and the city is moving in the right direction.

roth and The Rhino had a disagreement about the funding for Center City park, which most people don’t realize is a privately owned park that is run by downtown Greensboro inc. (dGi) with city funds. an article by staff writer alex Jakubsen in the sept. 6 issue of The Rhino Times stated that the city funded Center City park LLC with $350,000 a year. on sept. 7 roth sent an email to all the members of the Greensboro City Council stating that The Rhino Times article was wrong and the city only paid $200,000 a year for the operation of Center City park. she wrote that she would be notifying The Rhino Times of its mistake and asking for a correction. when roth and i spoke she immediately apologized for not notifying us about the mistake. we had acquired the email from a councilmember and waited to be notified for a week or so, but as roth readily admitted – notifying us had fallen through the cracks.

the question boils down to what are city funds.when we spoke on the phone about her email, i pointed out to roth that although

$200,000 comes from the general fund, an additional $150,000 comes from the downtown Business improvement district (Bid) funds, which are the proceeds from an additional 9 cents in property tax that downtown property owners pay, and that $350,000 was the amount in the contract between Greensboro and Center City park LLC. the Bid money is collected along with regular property tax and is allocated to

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 3

elections staff sees dead people.at least, that is, they’re looking hard for

dead people after a recent directive from state election officials. at the busiest time in the four-year election cycle, elections staff has been tracking down 660 names of people who, according to the Voter integrity project of north Carolina, remain on the county’s voting rolls despite being dead.

the website for the organization describes it as “a non-partisan group advocating for free and fair elections.” However, msnBC and other national sources describe the group as a conservative one with a republican agenda.

Guilford County’s elections staff is checking those names and, as a last resort, may send a form letter supplied by the state that politely asks if the person in question is dead or alive. the search for the supposed 660 dead people on the voting rolls in Guilford County comes after the Voter integrity project claimed to have found about 30,000 suspect names of voters in north Carolina who had died during the last decade – but who were still listed as eligible to vote. the state was requesting that county boards examine the claims.

on Friday, sept. 7, the state sent a list of the suspected deceased to the Guilford County Board of elections, and requested that the office research the names and

determine whether those on the list were dead or alive.

Guilford County Board of elections deputy director Charlie Collicutt said his office always wants to make sure the voting rolls are accurate. He said it wasn’t complaints from the group that got his office searching for dead people. Collicutt said the list from the Voter integrity project was the starting point of the investigation, but he said county election workers aren’t just removing those supplied names from the rolls.

“we’re not taking their word for it,” he said.

Collicutt said county election officials don’t want dead people to stay on the rolls – but they also don’t want legitimate voters to show up to vote only to find out they’ve been pronounced dead by election officials.

“we’re going to try to err on the side of the voter,” he said.

Collicutt said elections workers have been checking with the Guilford County registrar of deeds office and the department of public Health, as well as checking state records and other sources to determine who’s dead and who’s alive.

according to Collicutt, about a third of the names provided to Guilford County didn’t pan out – that is, they didn’t match the names of actual voters still registered to vote.

“of the 660,” he said, “275 were not

Dead Voters To Get Less Say In Electionby Scott D. yoStcounty eDitor

an exact match in middle name or in birth date.”

He said they were the names of deceased who had names similar to those still on the rolls – but who were in reality different people.

the other 385 are thought to be deceased voters who are still listed as eligible to vote.

“that’s a good assumption,” he said. “However, we are checking to see if they are actually dead by cross-referencing them against a master list of deaths from the department of Health and Human services.”

He added that his office was continuing to research the other names as well.

“the 275 are not being ignored though,” Collicutt said. “we’re checking to see if there may have been transcription or other errors that made them not match. if there was some type of error like that, we’ll check them off of the department of Health and Human services list as well. all 660 will be checked; we’re just more certain about the 385. i would guess that the vast majority of them will not be on the books once we’re done.”

Collicutt said Guilford County already goes through the voter rolls once a month to mark off the deceased, but he added that sometimes names are missed because a voter might, for instance, die in another state.

Virginia, for example, doesn’t share

notice of death information with north Carolina. in other cases, records might have been overlooked or the deceased might have changed his or her name in the period between registering to vote and dying.

north Carolina is considered an important swing state in the 2012 presidential election, and, as such, the state is drawing a lot of scrutiny from voter groups as well as attention from national media. in 2008, president Barack obama won the state by under 14,000 votes, which was a half of a percentage point of the votes cast.

on msnBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show last week, the effort to remove the names of deceased voters in north Carolina was the lead story.

Conservative groups, such as project Veritas, focused attention on the issue as well. a sept. 6 fundraising letter, titled “30,000 dead Voters: a letter from James o’Keefe” stated: “investigators in north Carolina just released a list of 30,000 dead people still registered to vote in their state. that’s more than twiCe the margin of Barack obama’s victory there in 2008!”

Chuck winfree, a Greensboro attorney who’s a republican member of the nC state Board of elections, said the state does a good job of removing dead people from the roll using information from the nC department of Health and Human services. winfree said boards of elections across the

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 4

Mo Throws Money At Principal Problemthe pay system for Guilford County

schools principals is a mess, and a well-meaning incentive program to try to get principals to stay put at schools for at least five years may make it worse.

members of the Guilford County Board of education, teachers, the public and some principals alike have complained about the way principals are allocated, paid and treated in the school system.

among the complaints regularly heard are that principals don’t stay at schools long enough to get full control of them, or to improve them as much as needed; that principal pay is unfair, rewarding some principals magnificently while shafting others with as much experience or training.

others are that principals brought in by former Guilford County school superintendent terry Grier were given sweetheart deals; and that, when Guilford County schools gets good principals, they them into central office management, where they stop having direct effects on students.

the wandering-principal syndrome in Guilford County was aggravated under Grier, who seemed to use frequent principal moves as a tactic to prevent principals from building up a power base of supportive teachers and parents who could question central office policy.

Current school superintendent mo Green proposes paying principals more to stay at schools at least five years. that might mitigate the first problem, that principals don’t stay at schools long enough, but might also aggravate the disparities in pay between principals.

the range of principal pay in the school system is wide. they range from $58,300 for pandora Bell, the principal of the small twilight High school on pisgah Church road in Greensboro, which is an evening school designed to bring dropouts back into the system to finish the credits they need, to $138,600 for noah rogers, the principal of smith High school.

a study of high school principal salaries

by paul c. clarkStaff Writer

presented at the saturday, sept. 22 school board retreat showed that, of schools responding to the survey, the average high school principal salary in the southeast United states ranged from $87,000 to $101,000. the average high school principal salary in school systems with 25,000 or more students (Guilford County schools has about 72,000) ranged from $96,000 to $118,000 nationwide.

rogers, the highest-paid Guilford County schools principal and the 14th highest-paid of 10,000 Guilford County schools employees, has improved test scores at smith. But The Rhino Times ran a story in september 2011 detailing rogers’ record, which includes legitimate bachelor’s and master’s degrees but also claims a 2003 ph.d. in education administration (magna cum laude) from madison University in Gulfport, mississippi, which has been described as a substandard, unaccredited college or “diploma mill” by officials in five states, as well as in news articles.

rogers is still listed as “dr. noah V. rogers” on the smith website.

Green has proposed giving principals bonuses totaling 5 percent of their annual salaries if they stay at a school for five years. the program could cost up to $618,759 in a one-year period once principals are fully vested in the program.

once a principal has turned around a low-performing school, or otherwise been identified as a star principal in Guilford County schools, the school system has had to offer them a better school quickly to keep them. that necessity was caused largely by the pressure created by the federal no Child Left Behind act, which forced school systems to track and improve state test scores of numerous subgroups of students, including students of different races, family incomes, special-needs students and students whose native language is not english, a trick it took good principals to pull off.

that pressure was recently lessened when the federal government granted north Carolina a waiver from the provisions of no Child Left Behind. school systems will still have to track the performance

of each subgroup, but a school won’t face sanctions if one subgroup (say black males, who make up roughly 20 percent of Guilford County schools students), doesn’t meet test targets.

now north Carolina can go back to pretending that all categories of students are being equally prepared for life by north Carolina school systems.

the problem of principals being moved up the organizational food chain quickly, and the improvements they’ve accomplished at schools unraveling after they leave, hasn’t gone away, however.

åpart of it is just the free market. other school systems will hire away good principals in a heartbeat. also, the glut of administrative positions in the central offices of Guilford County schools and other large school systems gives principals many paths for upward career movement and higher pay.

one recent example is patrice Faison, who was moved from the academy at smith to then-troubled oak Hill elementary school in april 2010. Faison is credited with great improvements at oak Hill, which was the worst-performing Guilford County public school, but after Faison’s tenure, is no longer listed as low performing by the state of north Carolina.

the result was predictable. Green in June 2012 appointed Faison principal of page High school, a plum position, to keep her. Faison, who made $73,000 at oak Hill, is paid $133,000 at page, a $60,000 raise. not at bad bump in pay if you can get it.

one hopes that the improvements made at oak Hill by Faison, her teachers and numerous volunteers will last, but precedents at other schools that have quickly lost high-quality principals are not promising.

Under Green’s plan, principals would earn 1 percent of their salary per year, and would be vested in the program after five years, when they could cash out a one-time bonus of 5 percent of their salaries.

principals would not get money for time already spent in their jobs. that is, principals who had been running a school

for two years this school year, when the program would start, could cash out during the 2014-2015 school year, but for only 3 percent of their salaries. a principal who had already been at a school for five years could cash out this year – but only with a 1 percent bonus.

in addition to bonuses for staying at a school for five years, Guilford County schools administrators provided three other possible options to modify principal pay: increased local supplements from Guilford County tax money, a supplement based on school size, and performance-based supplements based on “value-added data” – the state test scores of students at each school.

school board member ed price said the bonuses – “lottery money,” as he called it – would increase the average tenure of a Guilford County schools principal by only two years – so he couldn’t see what the hollering was about. He said, “what we’re saying is they’re going to move every five years instead of every three years.”

Green responded that the bonus pay was one experiment out of many considered – and was an experiment. He said, “i’m not offering you a guarantee that this will work.”

school board Chairman alan duncan said the proposal as written was unclear, because most principals are hired in July and august, and the proposal doesn’t make clear that a principal wouldn’t get a bonus year if hired in april. He suggested that school board attorney Jill wilson rewrite it. He said, “Let’s make sure we set it up and articulate it in a way that we don’t get tripped up.”

school board member amos Quick said the list of principal salaries shows too much disparity among them.

school board member Kris Cooke said that part of the problem was that, some years ago, north Carolina principals gave up tenure for contracts. the selling point of the contracts was that you could renegotiate them when they expire.

Cooke said, “that’s never really been true, unless you’re hiring somebody from outside and you want that to happen.”

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 5

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 6

by paul c. clarkStaff Writer

despite a year of pressure from members of the Guilford County Board of education, the $5.3 million project to renovate and expand the gym at High point Central High school will probably not be finished by the beginning of basketball season in november.

according to letters from HH architecture of raleigh, the architect on the project, sent to Kyle davis, the owner of Kmd Construction LLC of salisbury and the general contractor, numerous elements of the gym project are behind schedule and the gym may not be finished by contract deadlines.

“as a result, Guilford County schools is concerned that the nov. 13 and 14 substantial completion dates are not realistic,” Chevon File, the HH architecture project manager, wrote on sept. 21. “it is critical that an accurate schedule be provided and followed. please ensure that the schedule submitted next week is an accurate, realistic recovery schedule with appropriate substantial completion dates.”

a recovery schedule is a schedule for a project that has already slipped behind – something HH architecture claimed in both letters has happened.

on sept. 12, HH architecture wrote Kmd that 24 construction elements from an august 28 schedule had not been completed. according to the architects,

HP Central Not Ready For Basketballthose included things as basic as site utilities, storm drains and grading around the gym building; interior masonry walls, steel decking, insulation, brick veneer and doors; and roof decking, insulation and sheetrock.

in the sept. 21 letter, File wrote davis complaining about a revised schedule that Kmd provided on sept. 17.

“this schedule was not a recovery schedule and indicated substantial completion dates of november 13 and 14, 2012 for phases 1a and 1B respectively,” File wrote. “as discussed with Guilford County schools on september 18, the revised project schedule had activities that need to be changed and additional entries added. GCs requested that the changes be made and a new schedule be submitted by noon on september 21, 2012. Kmd has informed GCs that the schedule will not be available until sometime the following week.”

according to File’s sept. 21 letter, Guilford County schools, HH architecture and Kmd met at High point Central on sept. 20 to review the progress of the project and “a number of activities appear to be behind schedule already.”

the gym project at High point Central almost seems jinxed. Kmd is the second general contractor on the project.

on nov. 8, 2011, the school board voted unanimously to terminate its contract

with miles Builders of Charlotte, the main contractor on the High point Central project, which had fallen more than a month behind. the school board claimed that miles Builders has violated the contract in multiple ways, including falling months behind schedule and not paying subcontractors on time.

in april, the bonding company on the project hired Kmd to take over, and, in november 2012, a year after the school board fired miles Builders, the job still isn’t done.

the HH architecture letters show the project manager trying not only to speed up construction of the gym, but perhaps to create a legal record to seek relief from Kmd’s bonding company or to use in a legal dispute between the school system and the contractor after the gym is finished.

if so, the gym project would be going the same way as the $25 million construction of mcnair elementary school on Yanceyville road. mcnair was originally scheduled to be completed by July 18, 2012, in time for students to occupy the school at the end of august, but the project by early summer was obviously running behind schedule.

Guilford County schools accused Farley associates, the general contractor on mcnair, of breaching the construction contract and the payment bond on the project.

according to arty Bolick, the partner at Brooks, pierce, mcLendon, Humphrey & Leonard LLp who handles construction law for the school board, Hartford has chosen Je dunn Construction Co., headquartered in Kansas City, missouri, as the new construction manager, and that dunn is already on site at mcnair. Bolick said Hartford has “an agreement in principal” with Je dunn, the sixth largest construction company in the Untied states.

Bolick said that Guilford County schools does not yet know whether Je dunn will act solely as a construction manager or will be the general contractor to replace Farley associates.

“that’s between Je dunn and Hartford, whether they’ll be a construction manager overseeing contractors or a general contractor,” Bolick said. “to us it’s the same.”

Bolick said that Je dunn could keep or dismiss subcontractors as Hartford and the construction company see fit.

“it’s totally up to them who they want to use,” he said. “everyone has acknowledged that it’s in everyone’s interest to use the same subs when possible.”

Bolick said that Hartford has not yet provided a revised schedule with a completion date.

the High point Central project had problems even before Guilford County schools awarded miles Builders its contract.

High point Central was scheduled to get $5.3 million for renovations to the school’s gym and lighting, and technology upgrades to its main building.

the seven bids for the project, when received on oct. 14, 2010, were all over the construction budget, most probably because Guilford County schools had larded the project with “add alternates” – a shopping list of options beyond the original scope of the project, which contractors can include in their bids.

Central Builders inc. of mebane was the lowest bidder. But the company’s bid of $4.2 million was over the construction budget of $4 million, and did not include the cost of the technology package, which was to be bid separately.

the Facilities department recommended rebidding the project after HH architecture removed elements from the design to bring the project’s scope within the school system’s available funds.

after the High point Central project was rebid, the school board on april 12, 2011 voted 11 to 0 to grant the contract to miles Builders to do the gym project for $4 million.

davis could not be reached for comment. His office said he was on vacation.

Rumors(Continued from page 1)

matter who wins in november they will be disappointed because they can’t be elected to the county commission any more than someone running in the Greensboro municipal election can be elected to the board of aldermen. there is no Guilford county commission, and there is no Greensboro board of aldermen. Guilford County has a board of commissioners but no commission and Greensboro has a City Council but no board of aldermen.

- - -

speaking of voting, early voting in Guilford County starts on thursday, oct. 18, and polling places somewhere in the county will be open every day between oct. 18 and saturday, nov. 3. the schedule is far too complicated to try and list it hear, but

some early voting polling places will be open sunday afternoons.

- - -

the biggest race in north Carolina that nobody knows about is for the nC supreme Court, where incumbent Justice paul newby is facing challenger north Carolina Court of appeals Judge sam ervin iV. although the race is nonpartisan, newby is a republican and ervin is a democrat. right now the republicans have a one-vote majority on the nC supreme Court, so this race will decide whether republicans or democrats control the courts. C4gc is having newby speak at its Front Line Forum, open to the public, on thursday, sept. 27 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the meeting Hall at 2780 Horse pen Creek road.

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u n d e r c u r r e n t r e s t a u r a n t . c o m( 3 3 6 ) 3 7 0 - 1 2 6 6

“If I was traveling through Greensboro, I’d eat at Undercurrent in a second. The food is well-sourced and well-prepared. The people there know that a restaurant experience is about making a diner feel fed and taken care of. It’s not about the chef’s ego, but about a chef who knows how to cook.”

Kim Severson, New York Times Atlanta bureau chief, Garden & Gun columnist, and author of several cookbooks including Spoon Fed: How Eight Cooks Saved My Life.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 7

Music Hall Already Has Hidden CostsFar from open and transparent, the

Greensboro performing arts Center (GpaC) task Force is chock full of secrets.

the task force refuses to reveal how much the paid coordinator, ross Harris – who last year was mayor robbie perkins’ campaign manager – is paid, and the city claims not to know how much time city staff is spending working with the task force other than the hours spent at meetings and recorded in the minutes.

despite the fact that the city has given the task force nearly $250,000 to finance its activities and has assigned city staff to several of its subcommittees, the city has not been keeping track of the man-hours that staff has invested in task force-related activities so that a more accurate estimate of the total cost to the city would be made available.

the city spent an additional $50,000 or so through the Greensboro Coliseum for plans presented at a City Council meeting by Coliseum manager matt Brown.

Greensboro Communications director donnie turlington, who himself co-chairs a task force committee, said that the best estimate of city man-hours expended on the task force to date is 26.75 hours, based only on a review of meeting minutes.

by alex jakubSenStaff Writer turlington also stated that the city has

no intention of keeping track of staff man-hours as the task force moves forward, saying the work is considered a regular assignment for staff.

the other members of the GpaC task Force are volunteers, and if city staff members are assigned to committees as part of their jobs, as turlington said, they aren’t volunteers.

although in the first phase of task force work city staff mainly served as advisors to task force committees, a new charge from the Greensboro City Council has placed staff members in leadership roles on four of the six task force subcommittees. the purpose of the change is to allow the city staff to be more involved with the committee as it pins down a more concrete and detailed proposal for the GpaC according Greensboro City manager denise turner roth.

roth had an ex-officio position on the advisory Committee in phase i, which met five times between april and June. However, it appears that roth was absent from most of the meetings.

roth is now an advisory committee member for phase ii. the phase ii advisory committee met on august 20 and is scheduled to meet three more times before the end of december. roth was not

present at the august 20 meeting.Greensboro director of engineering

and inspections Butch simmons serves as a co-chair of the task force Building Committee, along with Greensboro College president Larry Czarda. the committee is responsible for working with consultants to determine a site for the proposed GpaC and develop a site plan.

simmons presented maps and charts at the sept. 13 meeting. the committee has two more meetings planned for sept. 24 and nov. 5, and a three-day design charrette oct. 16 through oct. 18. the charrette is intended to be an open discussion process between consultants, the city and the public to explore and determine a site and basic design for the GpaC.

the operating model Committee, which is charged with determining how the facility should be operated to bring in revenue, is co-chaired by Greensboro assistant City manager andy scott and reid phillips, an attorney with Brooks pierce. Councilmembers nancy Vaughan and trudy wade also sit on this committee, which met sept. 24.

the Financing options Committee is co-chaired by Greensboro director of Financial and administrative services rick Lusk and Greensboro attorney Lewis Cheek. the committee is responsible for

exploring options for funding the GpaC project.

the current financing model involves a $20 million dollar bond referendum, but the financing committee is intended to “broaden the discussion,” although the City Council is still considering holding a special spring election for the proposed $20 million bond referendum.

there is also talk of paying for the GpaC with a sales tax, a portion of which would also go to the international Civil rights Center & museum, triad stage and the Carolina theatre.

the Financing options Committee met on sept. 6 and is scheduled to meet three more times. Councilmembers Zack matheny and dianne Bellamy-small sit on that committee.

the Greensboro communications manager is a co-chair of the outreach and advocacy/marketing Committee along with Community relations manager donna Gray and advisor to the nonprofit Greensboro neighborhood Congress donna newton.

the committee has had five meetings between august 14 and sept. 13. turlington estimated his own involvement with the committee comprises between five and six man-hours. the committee is scheduled to meet 10 more times.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 8

and sales tax increases. that difference prompted the conservative

phillips to say this week: “Voters have a clear choice in district 5.”

in the district 6 race, on the other hand, democratic candidate Linda Kellerman is attacking her republican opponent, Hank Henning, for opposing a tax increase: Kellerman recently posted on her campaign’s Facebook page that it was irresponsible of Henning to sign a no-tax-hike pledge.

in district 4, republican alan Branson is banging heads with incumbent democratic Commissioner Kirk perkins for dominance in the district that spans much of eastern Guilford County. perkins, like Gibson, has voted for multiple property tax increases during his eight years on the Board of Commissioners, and Branson wants everyone to be aware of that.

the six candidates have just now started campaigning at full speed, and county voters can expect things to get more heated between now and tuesday, nov. 6.

the first county commissioners candidate forum of the general election, put on by the League of women Voters, was held on tuesday, sept. 18 at Holy trinity episcopal Church in Greensboro. sometimes at these types of candidate forums there are only a few more spectators than there are candidates. However, the large gathering room at Holy trinity was packed, even

though it was a lunchtime forum on a tuesday.

the large audience was engaged, erupting in applause at times for the liberal democrats, and grimacing when the republicans spoke. the strong interest in the commissioners races this year may partly be connected to the heated nature of the 2012 presidential election.

Henning was the only no-show at the forum. He said this week that he had a “business-related conflict.”

after monday, dec. 3, there will be a total of nine Guilford County commissioners – eight from districts and one at-large commissioner – as opposed to the current board’s makeup, with 11 commissioners, nine of them elected from districts and two elected at large.

the districts 4 and 5 races have younger republican challengers going up against older democrats. in district 4, political newcomer Branson, 45, is running against perkins, 60, a two-term democratic commissioner. and in district 5, the conservative phillips, a financial advisor who owns phillips wealth management, is trying to beat Gibson, 65, a self-employed textile salesman. Gibson is running for a district seat for the first time.

Gibson was elected at-large to the Board of Commissioners in 2004, and he also served as an at-large commissioner from 1984 to 1988.

in district 6, there’s no incumbent in the

race. Kellerman, 59, is a retired computer-aided design designer for a trucking company, and she’s the only woman running for commissioner this year. she’s up against Henning, 37, a veteran of the iraq war who has a Jamestown address and works for Brady services, a distributor of heating and air-conditioning products.

at the League of women Voters’ forum, Gibson was unabashed in stating that he wants to see an increase in the sales tax in Guilford County. Gibson said loudly and proudly that he thinks the Board of Commissioners should vote to put the quarter-cent sales tax hike back on the ballot and then convince voters to pass it.

Guilford County voters have already voted down the sales tax increase three times, but that doesn’t keep some commissioners – including Gibson – from continuing to push it.

“it would raise $14 million to $16 million and a large percentage would be paid by those who are from outside the county,” Gibson said at the forum.

this week, defending that position, Gibson said davidson County and other republican counties have passed the quarter-cent sales tax increase, and he said doing so in Guilford County would take some pressure off the need to raise property taxes.

“i’m going to do what i think is best for Guilford County,” Gibson said.

County(Continued from page 1)

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Prison Selling Mud In Two Partsthere may not be any gold on Guilford

County’s 800-acre prison Farm near Gibsonville, but there are streams, and now several private companies are interested in buying the “stream mitigation” rights for those waterways. selling those rights could mean a cool million or more for Guilford County – without the county having to do much of anything other than cash the checks and leave the streams as they are once the selected company restores and enhances them.

stream mitigation efforts are conducted as part of federal and state environmental protection initiatives, which sometimes require that a company destroying or diminishing wetlands in the course of a construction project mitigate that environmental damage by restoring and maintaining streams and rivers in another area.

there’s an industry of private companies that buys stream mitigation rights, restores wetland areas, and then “banks” those rights in order to later sell them to developers.

Guilford County interim Facilities director sandy woodard said county officials were approached recently by a representative of the raleigh office of environmental Banc & exchange LLC, a wetland restoration and stream rights banking firm that purchases and trades

mitigation rights in five states along the eastern seaboard. that firm wanted to discuss purchasing the mitigation rights for streams at the prison Farm.

woodard said these types of firms generally clean up the streams, bring them up to specifications laid out in the law and then bank or sell the rights to developers.

woodard said it was her understanding that environmental Banc & exchange wanted the prison Farm stream mitigation rights in order to bank them.

“it’s not tied to any particular project,” woodard said.

she added that county officials met with a representative of the company. However, after those conversations the county decided to sell those rights to the highest bidder – which, by some estimates, could bring over $1 million.

about five years ago Guilford County Commissioner Carolyn Coleman chaired a prison Farm committee created to study potential uses of the farm. that committee looked into selling the stream mitigation rights at that time. However, Coleman said, nothing came of those discussions largely because Guilford County sheriff BJ Barnes didn’t seem to be in favor of the idea.

Coleman said that, until recently, the sheriff has been reluctant to look into doing anything that might impede his operations at the prison Farm, but, she

said, Barnes now appears more willing to let go of control of the prison Farm. she said Barnes has been more accommodating since he finally has the one thing he wanted more than anything else.

“He’s got his jail,” Coleman said.Barnes said he has been in conversations

with other county officials about selling the stream mitigation rights, and he said he thinks it could be a smart move for Guilford County if handled properly.

“i told them there was money to be made,” Barnes said.

He also said selling the rights wouldn’t impede his operations.

“For the farm, it wouldn’t affect us at all,” Barnes said.

according to Barnes, there would be restrictions on what the county could do with the affected land once it sells the stream rights. most of those obligations, he said, would simply have to do with preservation.

“when you do it, you can’t cut the grass – it acts as a filtering system,” Barnes said.

once the preservation rules of the wetlands are in place, those rules bind future owners of the land.

“it’s like an easem*nt; they buy the rights and it passes down,” he said.

Barnes pointed out that an area of starmount Forest Country Club in Greensboro is one local example of this

by john hammereDitor

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 9

tuesday, sept. 25, the Greensboro City Council spent another afternoon listening to vague and rudimentary presentations from city staff and consultants about economic development.

the work session on Greensboro’s economic development plan in the plaza level conference room in city hall was the third such meeting this council has attended this year, and the council appears no closer to taking any action to increase economic development.

Central to the meeting was the concept of “return on investment” (roi), or the idea that the city should net benefits from the money and resources it spends. this idea ran through the two main presentations given to council.

director of water resources steve drew gave a presentation on economic development through water and sewer partnerships with other towns as a way to share the risks and cost of development.

“Key issues” identified on a slide in the presentation were that potential partners would have to be “willing participants,” future city water and sewer capacity would have to be shared with said partners, and that investments should provide a “reasonable roi” to Greensboro. “there has to be some give and take,” drew explained to councilmembers.

as examples of possible partners drew listed the towns of sedalia and pleasant

City Council Gets Prescription For EDby alex jakubSen

Staff Writer Garden, but said that it was unclear at this time what benefits Greensboro could get from providing water and sewer to either municipality, but that it was something worth looking into.

assistant City manager andy scott said that the two towns were examples only, and that he knew of no current formal talks with the small towns about partnering with Greensboro for water and sewer service.

the presentation on broader economic development strategy given by consultant tom ticknor of ticknor & associates also emphasized the importance of return on investment. He presented several recommendations for “raising the game” of economic development.

one of his recommendations involved improving the city’s “branding and communication” by “owning and articulating” an economic development mission statement. He recommended that the city also improve its website to bring economic development to the forefront and make information more accessible.

mayor robbie perkins agreed. “we need to take our website and buff it up, because our website is not particularly helpful if you’re looking for anything to do with economic development; you get lost,” he said.

economic development is the primary focus of the Greensboro economic development alliance (Geda), which the city funds, and information is provided

on the Geda website. the Greensboro website is more focused on city services.

ticknor also advised the council to look towards initiatives that would attract, retain and expand business. He recommended heavy investment in education and training centers, and in businesses on the verge of growth.

although the City of Greensboro does not fund or control any educational institutions, ticknor said the city does control a lot of the space in which educational facilities operate, and influences the quality of life of the students through public services like transportation and parks and recreation.

ticknor advised councilmembers to apply the “roi framework” with the help of city staff to determine which businesses would give the highest return on investment, so as to “separate the dry cleaners from the HondaJets of the world.” in other words, the city should invest more resources in companies that would create more higher paying jobs.

the presentation included a section on acquiring “shovel ready sites” to attract new industry to the area.

shovel-ready sites had been a major topic at the City Council’s last economic development work session, where mike solomon of the timmons Group presented more than 70 sites around Greensboro for the council to consider for buying, grading and then offering as incentive packages to businesses

at tuesday’s meeting solomon had narrowed the list of sites down to 16. He said that a major determinant of a site’s potential use to the city is the number of current owners, since multiple owners raise the parcel’s price.

Councilmember Jim Kee took the opportunity to give his own presentation on land for economic development. He presented a map of undeveloped land around white street Landfill, some of which the city already owns, that he said should be looked at by the city for acquisition and development.

Kee said that the methane gas produced by the landfill, which can be sold, could be offered as an incentive to companies if the city would invest in the infrastructure to harness the gas. now about 60 percent of the gas is burned off and the remaining 40 percent is piped for free to the international textile Group at the old Cone mills white oak plant. the gas is estimated to be worth about $2 million a year, which the city burns and gives away year after year.

together with the projected construction of a section of the new urban loop nearby, Kee said the potential of the area was “just enormously great.”

“we have to start taking the lead because the days are gone when a private developer is going to come in and invest their money in a risky venture like developing land,” Kee said. He added, “we can, because we

(Continued on page 40)


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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 10


High Point Consultants Big In Currituckby paul c. clark

Staff Writer

what was billed as a joint meeting of the High point City Council and the High point planning and Zoning Commission on the two or more year process for consultants to rewrite the city zoning ordinance was light on city councilmembers, which doesn’t bode well for the code rewrite.

only Councilmember Latimer alexander, Councilmember Chris whitley, who is running for mayor and seems to be everywhere these days, and Councilmember Britt moore, who is running for reelection to his at-large City Council seat, were present to represent the council.

the development code rewrite is partially funded by a grant from the federal department of Housing and Urban development. asked after the meeting whether the zoning code rewrite had any importance, whitley said, “we have to come up with something. we took the grant.”

a lengthy meeting that begins with the announcement that the consultants, the Chapel Hill office of denver-based Clarion associates, had figured out how to use pictures – actual pictures – in microsoft word zoning documents, and ends with a consultants saying, “see you in a few months. thank you,” isn’t something to which you sell tickets. it also suggests that the two to two-and-a-half year process could be done in two to two-and-a-half months with a little pressure on the accelerator.

the High point City Council hired Clarion in may. since then, Clarion has been assigned an advisory committee of developers, redevelopers, High point planning and Zoning Commission members, architects, city planners and members of the High point City project, which the City Council created in an effort to redevelop High point’s traditional neighborhoods. the advisory committee met for the first time on august 27.

the august 27 meeting generated many comments – mostly criticisms – from the members of the advisory committee, and a flood of 62 written suggestions – mostly complaints – after the meeting.

at tuesday’s meeting, planning and Zoning Commissioner Cynthia davis complained that advisory board members – she is one – submitted individual comments after the august 27 meeting, and said she thought that all comments should be considered and submitted by the full advisory board. Goodbye two years, hello five years.

Craig richardson, the vice president of Clarion and the director of its Chapel Hill office, and Clarion senior associate Chad meadows, assured davis that individual comments were okey-dokey.

Greensboro recently finished a similar rewrite. Greensboro’s two-year rewrite was eventually approved, but was such a political disaster that the Greensboro City Council considered throwing it out in

its entirety and the Greensboro planning director was later given the opportunity to resign.

ironically, whitley and others have suggested merely taking the Greensboro zoning ordinance, filing off the serial numbers, deleting sections that don’t apply to High point and adding ones that do, just to speed things up, save money, and make life easier for developers that work in both towns.

the triad real estate and Building industry Coalition (treBiC) has suggested using Greensboro as a model. treBiC regulatory affairs director Judy stalder, who was present at both meetings, said she supported the rewrite because High point’s code needs to be modernized and clarified. treBiC had considerable influence on Greensboro’s new ordinance.

Clarion wants to use as a model a rewrite the company did for portsmouth, Virginia, and richardson and meadows touted elements of codes the company did for Fayetteville and Currituck County, north Carolina.

richardson tried to steer the High point rewrite away from using Greensboro as a model. He said the Greensboro rewrite was Greensboro-specific and that the High point City Council wants to take the lead in the High point rewrite.

whitley replied, “that’s not true.” He said the City Council has discussed the issue and wants to stay out of the line of fire. in any case, on the advertised schedule, the City Council will have gone through its 2012 and 2014 elections before the new code comes up for a vote, and will likely be a very different City Council.

it’s easy to make fun of the proposed zoning ordinance rewrite, especially with Greensboro’s fresh in memory.

But High point has miles and miles of brownfields that used to house the city’s furniture factories and mills, and which can, according to some proponents of rewriting the development code, hardly be redeveloped under the current code, which they say applies suburban restrictions to urban neighborhoods.

alexander, who built up a fabric company, has said he found it easier to buy expensive land in north High point than to wrestle with the development code and the planning and development department over redeveloping a building in south High point, which desperately needs redevelopment.

also, the High point City project is encouraging redeveloping traditional High point commercial/residential mixed-use neighborhoods, which will require some neighborhood-specific code changes.

Basic issues will determine whether or not the High point rewrite gets support. one is the extent to which the City Council and local developers will accept the idea – pushed by Clarion – that the planning and development department should be given more authority to grant variances, give exemptions or grant code-based incentives that now require action by the City Council or the Board of adjustment.

some city councilmembers, and many developers, want power based anywhere but in the planning and development department. they say stories of city inspectors placing unreasonable restrictions, delays and requirements on projects are legion. one councilmember said an owner was pressured to provide the architectural drawings for a 50-year-old house – the architect of which was probably long out of business, and possibly dead.

the argument for giving city staff more authority is to allow them to make administrative adjustments that provide more flexibility to property owners and developers. the argument against doing so is that it creates a system based on favoritism and petty disputes.

richardson said, “probably, in the communities we have worked on, there hasn’t been a community that hasn’t embraced that concept.”

done with the projects promised to voters in 2008. the school board instructed Guilford County schools Facilities department administrators to come back with a recommendation on how to spend the money.

the administrators, for their part, came up with a 29-project priority list to upgrade, repair and equip schools to a common baseline that would cost $75 million, just a little more than the amount budgeted for the high school, and the school board is going to have millions more left over – “a pretty significant amount,” according to school board Chairman alan duncan.

the $75 million plan includes some one-off repair jobs that aren’t related to the rest of the plan, such as repairing the historic 1930s rock gyms at allen Jay middle school in High point and summerfield elementary school, and paving a parking lot next to the Grimsley High school football stadium that is deteriorating quickly because it is used as a transportation hub.

most of the $75 million, however, would be used to do common repairs and upgrades for large groups of schools – $19 million for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVaC) improvements, $11 million for roofing, $8 million for windows and doors, $7 million for audio-video equipment and computers, $6 million for paving, $1.9

million for a voice over internet protocol (Voip) communications system and the like.

at the retreat, Guilford County schools gave the most detailed accounting to date of what has, and hasn’t, been spent of the $200 million in school bonds approved by voters in 2000, the $300 million approved in 2003 and the $457 million approved in 2008 – which adds up to $957 million in bond authority.

the school board has also received money from the north Carolina public school Building Capital Fund, state lottery funds, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners, and insurance collected after eastern Guilford High school burned down in 2006.

according to the spreadsheet given to the school board members, there are 57 projects that haven’t been closed out from the three rounds of bonds, and $756 million has been allocated to those projects from all sources. of that money, $500 million has been spent and $39 million has been contracted for, but not spent. that’s only $539 million explained.

according to Guilford County schools, that leaves $216 million from the 57 projects “available for pending items or transfers.” that includes two categories of money. the first is money the school board has on hand but will spend on projects that are still open. the second is leftover money.

according to Guilford County Cash and debt manager Clay Hicks, Guilford County schools has $92 million in cash on hand for the construction projects and $130 million in authorized, but unsold bonds, or $221 million. Hicks said the difference between that and the $216 million listed by Guilford County schools probably results from the fact that the school system hasn’t checked with the county to see how much money it has left since sept. 7, 2011.

so Guilford County schools has $221 million, if all the bonds voters approved are sold. Hicks said he can’t say how much of that money will be left over after all construction projects are finished, because, once bond money has been transferred to the school board for projects, the school board keeps track of whether projects are under or over budget.

the biggest question mark in the construction program is the $68.7 million the school board has not spent of the $72 million allocated to the airport area high school and land for a future middle school on the same property. the school board has been unsuccessful in finding 120 acres of land in western Guilford County for the two schools, so that $68.7 million has not been spent – and may never be spent, if school board member ed price has his way.

price has questioned the need for the

$72 Million(Continued from page 1)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 12

What follows has been transcribed from the answering machine tape on our comment line 273-0898. We edit out what is required by the laws of the state, of good taste and of good sense. The limit on phone calls is one minute and each caller may make up to two calls per week. If you have something to say, call our comment line at 273-0898 and start talking at The Sound of the Beep.

(Continued on page 34)

The Sound of the Beep

this is Honey Boo-Boo. i think we need to re-edumacate the drivers down here in the south. the little handle along the left side of the steering wheel, that’s called the turn signal. it let you know if you’re going to make a left or a right. so, use it. Honey Boo-Boo says, use it. Have a great day.

% % %

Hey, Rhino Times. someone needs to tell John Hammer that somebody needs to go talk some sense into that mitt romney’s foolish head talking about the 47 percent don’t pay any taxes. is he crazy? my neighbor said, just let him keep on talking, and he’s going to talk his way right out of this election. i see the president, president Barack Hussein obama, with another landslide if romney keeps running off of his mouth talking about the 47 percent don’t pay taxes, which he’s talking about the lower class, people who make under $50,000, $250,000 a year. He claims those are the ones that don’t pay no taxes. and i know he’s crazy …

% % %

You’re talking about creating class warfare. How dare anybody accuse the president, Barack obama, for starting class warfare? with the comment that mitt romney made this week about the 47 percent of people, which is half of the country, the majority of the country, don’t pay taxes. so, in mitt romney’s mind, those who are on welfare, who are poor, who are on social security, don’t pay taxes. is he crazy? i’m drawing unemployment. i’m still paying taxes for my unemployment check. so, what is he talking about? and the poor in this country has always paid more taxes than the rich. that’s why the republicans are always talking about taxes, because they don’t want to pay no taxes.

% % %

Editor’s Note: You may not like it, but only 53 percent pay federal income tax, which means 47 percent don’t pay federal income tax, although they most likely do pay other taxes. People who made over $32,000 a year pay 97.75 percent of federa income tax. Those under $32,000 pay 2.25 percent.

% % %

Yes, i was calling because the four black Guilford County school board members are correct about the banking being racist in that four black board members that want to just put our money in a bank just because it’s black-owned is racist. so, example of the pot calling the kettle black. thank you.

% % %

i don’t claim to be the brightest bulb on the tree. But if all this violence is coming from something on Youtube, what is those people overseas going to do when obama’s film comes out about how he went about killing Bin Laden? now, he’s the one that instigated it. He’s the one, i understand, told the movie makers and give them information, and they’re supposed to be making a movie. they better take the script that they got and burn it and forget about that and try to figure out how they’re going to get people back to work in this country and how we’re going to get some oil from here instead of trying to get it from over there. we got oil. if he would work on something like that and get off of this other stuff and the health care we’d all be better off.

Hi. Can you tell me why this guy always calls in and complain about obama? He says obama this, obama that. why don’t he just take blame instead and said he just don’t like obama? obama is his main problem. obama is not a responsible for every little thing that goes on. if his water pipe busts outside his house, he thinks obama did that. He is just one person that no matter what the situation is, he’s another mitch mcConnell. when Bush was doing everything, you never heard him writing about that. But that’s the way he’s going to be. thanks.

% % %

whoa, Rhino Times sound of the Beep. Hey, let me ask you a question. maybe somebody can answer this. why did these folks down south persist

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 13

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 14

Bad History; Manchester’s ChurchillBY orson sCott Card

Uncle Orson Reviews Everything

The New York Times Hyper-Sudoku

i have often said how much i love reading history (though i have zero tolerance for taking part in guided tours of historical sites). But i really need to be more specific.

what i love is reading accurate history.of course, there is no such thing as

accurate history, not in any pure sense. History is relentlessly inaccurate, for reasons that can’t be helped:

1. documents and other evidence are only spottily available. sometimes we have a wealth of information, but sometimes we have only the vaguest hints.

2. whatever documents we have are often of questionable reliability. Just because an account was written a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s accurate. For one thing, a 500-year-old account of a 700-year-old event is not reliable because it is old. since it was written two hundred years after the event, it is not an eyewitness account. Gossip does not become more reliable with age, and legends famously grow with the retelling.

3. eyewitnesses and participants have their own agendas, conscious or not. even contemporary documents can thus be unreliable.

our view of richard iii, for instance, is colored by the fact that the tudor usurper Henry Vii, who killed and replaced him, had to legitimize his own illegal rule. the easiest way was to demonize his predecessor (rather the way that obama ascribes godlike powers of destruction to George w. Bush, whose evil influence has continued to overwhelm obama’s heroic efforts throughout nearly four years in office).

the very parenthetical statement i just made is an example of how eyewitnesses color their accounts. my sarcasm was obvious to my contemporaries – you – but other polemics might be more subtle, or an ironic frame of reference might be forgotten, making the surviving documents potentially more deceptive.

4. as long as many documents with different points of view survive, a historian may pick and choose among them, giving greater weight to some sources than others, and finding where even the most contradictory accounts agree. But then the historian’s own biases will intrude. Just as some “scientists” look only at data that promote a global-warming-alarmist point of view, some historians give weight only to evidence that supports their conscious ideology or their unconscious assumptions.

For instance, when i was researching archaeological works about the Fertile Crescent during the time of the biblical patriarchs for my novels Sarah, Rebekah and Rachel and Leah, i was amused at how these serious scientists felt obliged to remind readers that there was no evidence of the existence of abraham, isaac or Jacob.

But many of them went even further, declaring that archaeology showed that they definitely did not exist. this is a ludicrous

claim, of course – with few inscriptions surviving from the period in question, there is no way to rule out the existence of any particular person because his name was never carved on a rock somewhere.

in fact, such a claim by an archaeologist requires that he completely ignore one huge piece of evidence – Genesis itself. there is no doubt that it is an ancient record; and it is obviously a far more reality-based account, at least in the histories after the creation and the flood stories, than a heavily magical and weird story like the Gilgamesh tales from mesopotamia.

so the insistence on the non-existence of abraham is not at all about archaeology; it has everything to do with the writer trying to assert his non-connection with any organized religion of today. “i may be writing about the biblical era,” the writer is saying, “but i am not writing to defend the Bible. instead, i disdain it as a historical document.” But that disdain is, in itself, a distortion of the record. the Bible exists; it makes whatever assertions it makes; the belief or unbelief of the archaeologist is irrelevant to any scientific discussion, and it cheapens his work, as science, to include such blanket disclaimers.

the book of Genesis, despite the many markers of compilation, editing, translation error and later interpolations, remains a genuinely ancient, if only semi-historical, document, whose evidence should not be set aside without good reason.

But outright lying for propaganda purposes in ancient as well as modern documents is also common.

there is no reason, for instance, to believe that richard iii killed his nephews, the “princes in the tower,” though he is charged with the crime. already in control of england, with the legitimacy of his reign fully recognized, he had no reason to kill them.

But Henry Vii and his agents had every reason to kill the boys, since if richard iii were not the legitimate king, those boys’ claim was still far superior to Henry Vii’s.

so how does a later historian sort through the evidence? thomas more, writing a manuscript history, is the likeliest source of the account of richard iii apparently used by shakespeare for his famous play; but more never finished the account, and may have broken off the effort when it became clear to him – a famously honest man – that the charges against richard iii were a pack of lies, and that Henry Vii, the father of more’s friend and patron Henry Viii, was the only person who needed the princes dead.

all this is speculation – it can only be speculation. it is the kind of subject on which honest historians can and do disagree in their conclusions, even as they agree on the lack of evidence that could settle the question.

sometimes ancient accounts are obviously false on their face. Herodotus has solon of athens meeting Croesus of Lydia. it couldn’t have happened. one was dead before the other reached adulthood.

then the debate becomes: is the story

true, and solon’s name was merely applied to the “wise man” of the account? or do we look at it as a fabrication intended as a fable about hubris or affirming faith in the wisdom of old Greeks?

we are allowed to wonder whether Herodotus believed it, or knew it was impossible and included it for its moral value or storytelling pleasures.

Good historians lay out their sources and show their reasoning to their readers. they declare their conclusions, but leave room for the reader to give a different weight to the items of evidence and reach a contrary conclusion. despite his inaccuracies, Herodotus, the first historian, set the example, often including three contradictory stories, saying, “the egyptians say this, the Lydians say that, but i believe the most reliable account is this one.”

this technique applies to historians and biographers who are working with original sources. there is a branch of popular history in which the writer never looks at, let alone weighs, the original documents. such a writer merely glances at the work product of previous historians, picking up whatever facts are needed to make the point the writer wants to make.

this does not mean that such popular histories are valueless. How the Irish Saved Civilization, for instance, was quite interesting and provided a useful overview of medieval europe. nearly all of the author’s conclusions is open to question, if only because so few documents from the era actually survive, but the conclusions are reasonable and the narrative is interesting

and clear.Twelve Diseases That Changed Our

World, by irwin w. sherman, should have been a useful and fascinating book of popular history, as well. disease has had a powerful effect on human history.

the barbarians that entered the roman empire during the third, fourth and fifth centuries, for instance, encountered large areas of untilled farmland and more than a few unoccupied or seriously underoccupied cities.

why? Because terrible plagues had depopulated large areas, as people fled disease-ridden cities, and then the hinterland that had supplied these cities also suffered sharp drops in population.

while no one cause toppled the western roman empire, it’s worth remembering what an important role disease played then. it may have been smallpox that first shattered roman life; because of global cooling at the time, crops had already been weakened and a series of plagues encountered a population already weakened by hunger and climate.

diseases matter. they sweep across national borders and undo the plans of great empires.

they also set in motion great social changes. it is worth pointing out that the renaissance corresponded roughly – perhaps too roughly for significance – with the Black death.

the idea is that the Black death caused social disruption by creating a labor shortage, which greatly increased the power and freedom of workers. Formerly

(Continued on page 35)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 15

Scott’s Night Out

Well, we just got that sad news that beautiful and talented Fox 8 News anchor Julie Luck is leaving for greener pastures after seven years of gracing our community with her great looks and eloquent diction. I thought I’d use the occasion to take a stroll down memory road of some Fox news babes who have also said goodbye. Above, that’s Julie (left) with Smoking Hot Queen of All Media Tera “They don’t call it Fox 8 for nothing” Williams from SNO 2007. Lower right is the striking Roxanna Haynes from SNO 2009 before she left to become a big star in Nashville. If memory serves me, this last picture is from when Julie and I got married in 2009. So long Jules, we will miss you.

– Scott D. Yost

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 16

Football Controversy That Time Forgot

It is the discussion in the NFL – the end of the game between the Bucs and the Giants. trey wingo, NFL Live on espn

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

thomas a. edison

there’s something i simply absolutely have to talk about this week. it has been disturbing me to no end ever since it happened, and the only way to deal with it is to write it and get it out of my system. i don’t think that, in my 10 years at The Rhinoceros Times, i’ve ever felt as compelled to weigh in on a controversy as i do on this one.

if you saw the new York Giants/tampa Bay Bucs game last week – or if you just saw the replay of the final play, which was shown over and over again in the aftermath – then you know new York had the ball and was ahead by a touchdown with the last seconds ticking off the clock.

new York had assumed the victory formation – that is, the team was grouped together as tightly as possible, ready to snap the ball one last time, and Giants Quarterback eli manning clearly intended to take a knee and run out the remaining seconds of the game. so, game over.

the raging controversy that ensued over what happened next has been the talk of the nFL for the last week and a half. the tampa Bay Bucs, as they had been instructed by Coach Greg schiano, didn’t do what nFL teams always do; the team didn’t just stand by and let the quarterback take the snap and run out the clock.

instead, the Bucs did what schiano – a rookie nFL coach – had instructed: despite manning’s plans to take a knee, the Bucs defense came in full bore, charging madly at manning in a last ditch, one in a million desperation attempt to get him to fumble so tampa Bay could possibly get the ball back and have one last miracle shot at winning the game.

when new York snapped the ball and tampa Bay’s defensive line rushed the unsuspecting Giants, a surprised manning was knocked backward. the tampa Bay Bucs shoved the center into manning, which knocked manning to the ground. there was no last second miracle for the Bucs and new York won the game.

But all hell broke loose as the clock ran out. a wildly angry new York Giants Coach tom Coughlin ran over to Bucs Coach schiano and ripped into him where the television cameras caught it all. Coughlin told schiano in no uncertain terms that that type of dirty underhanded play had no place in the nFL and he shouted that someone could get hurt.

in the post-game interviews, some of the Giants players called the play a “cheap shot,” “bush league” and “dirty.”

the Giants coach said, “You don’t do that in this league – you jeopardize the offensive line, you jeopardize the quarterback. thank goodness we didn’t get anybody hurt – that i know of.”

schiano, who faced a barrage of questions about the play after the game, tried to explain that he always wants his team to play hard until the game is over. He added that, in the game of football, you never know what might happen so you should never stop playing until the final tick of the clock.

ever since it happened on sunday, sept. 16, everyone from fans to sports analysts to players have weighed in on the controversy, and there’s been a rich and heated debate back and forth over whether or not the Giants should have crashed in desperately on the last play – or, if they should have instead, done what’s always done in the nFL, and just stood by while the other team won.

now, oK, first of all, let me say that the argument that the Bucs did anything wrong at all is the most idiotic, totally ridiculous, absolutely absurd thing i’ve ever heard in the history of sports arguments. i mean, the main reason this controversy has me so disturbed is because it is utterly ridiculous in the first place that anyone even thinks there are two sides to this “controversy.”

it’s not that one side is right and the other is wrong: this is one of the rare times in these types of debates when, instead, there’s not even another side to the argument. why is this even a discussion? i have no idea.

there was absolutely nothing wrong with what the Bucs did, and the fact that schiano had his team charge an opposing team in the victory formation – while no one else in the nFL does that – isn’t an indictment against schiano and the Bucs, but instead is an indictment against all the other teams who simply give up and just stand by and watch the clock run out every time that it would take something close to a miracle to win the game.

stranger things have happened. when schiano coached at rutgers before coming to the nFL this year, his rutgers teams recovered four fumbles in that same situation – including one last year on sept. 10 in a game against north Carolina.

by Scott D. yoStcounty eDitor

(Continued on page 41)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 29

Letters to the EditorMedia protects Obama

Dear Editor,america was recently downgraded for

the second time by credit rating company egan-Jones, because of obama’s actions. obama’s actions have hurt america and got our credit rating down to aa- now. what would four more years of obama do unto america?

israel’s prime minister has been trying to speak with obama for over six months, but obama doesn’t have the time to meet with america’s ally. obama can’t meet with israel, but has time to speak on shows like The View, The Late Show with David Letterman and anything that’ll get him reelected. obama has the time to meet with iran, egypt and the islamic nations that our tax dollars fund.

obama said in 2008 that iran is one of the tiny nations that we don’t need to worry about, but iran is close to completing their nuclear bomb without any defense from obama.

why does the liberal media support all of obama’s actions, but attack anyone that stands in his way?

obama was given a free walk when a terrorist attack was made in Libya on 9/11, but obama said it was unplanned protest against a video. romney was attacked by the liberal media for days when he called this act a terrorist attack the next day. does obama and the liberal media want to protect america or just get obama reelected?

obama made many promises in 2008

that never happened and obama now makes more promises that’ll never be kept. would america become fallen and bankrupt under four more years of obama?Boyd W. Thomas

Pays taxes, supports ObamaDear Editor,

i pay federal income tax and i support president obama. i am proud to contribute to our great nation. my taxes go to support those who cannot support themselves. there but for the grace of God go i. it is the height of arrogance for mitt romney to assert that the president’s supporters are all paid for their allegiance. i don’t consider using the social security and medicaid benefits that you paid for mooching. soldiers, students, the disabled, the elderly, the unemployed – these are the 47 percent that mr. romney considers worthless.Angel Schroeder

New Jersey outlaws smiling facesDear Editor,

is it illegal to smile in new Jersey? not yet, but if you smile too broadly when you try to get a driver’s license in new Jersey your picture may be rejected. smiling may throw off their facial recognition program.

we should be wary of any government that tries to ban smiling. of course, if Chris

Christie was the governor of our state i wouldn’t be smiling either.Chuck Mann

Country needs ObamaDear Editor,

to those who say that president obama is undeserving of a second term in office or that he is an ineffective leader, i offer the following accomplishments in foreign affairs alone:

during his campaign for the highest office in the land, Barack obama promised to find and kill osama bin Laden. Bin Laden is dead.

He promised to bring the war in iraq to a responsible conclusion. the iraqi conflict has ended.

He promised to focus on the world wide terrorist threat. as a result both al-Qaeda and the taliban are constantly on the run and their leaders are being killed one by one. specifically, 24 of the top 30 terrorist leaders along with numerous high-ranking operatives have been killed.

He promised to work with other nations to curb the spread of nuclear weapons. this effort has been successful, including the current pressure on iran to back down from the development of these weapons.

He promised to help returning veterans find good jobs and improved access to health care. president obama has worked tirelessly to this end.

importantly, the image of the Us abroad has vastly improved under this president due to his efforts and those of secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

this country needs to reelect president obama and provide him with a democratic majority in Congress in order to continue these and other positive efforts over the next four years.Bob Kollar

Look both waysDear Editor,

welcome to america. this is my country.

this is just a story. You are free to make it whatever you wish.

it’s an early, first run, loaded school bus, 7 a.m. arriving at an unguarded railroad crossing. the morning is cold, damp and foggy, as is usual for the first tuesday in november. You, the driver, are behind schedule, kind of in a hurry. do you just look to the left without coming to a complete stop, or do you stop and look both ways before crossing the tracks? my brothers and sisters, do your homework. Look both ways, as america is riding on our decision.

thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. may God bless our country, america.

the son of a russian immigrant.Alexander Kohanowich

27 state senate candidate trudy wade of being responsible for the push polling with the headline “wade denies role in calls.” and under the front page above the fold headline – “Voters getting ‘push poll’ calls,” the subhead says, “the calls purport to be a political survey but turn into a campaign pitch for trudy wade.”

wade evidently put a stop to the News & Record attack pieces by writing the north Carolina state Board of elections and asking for an investigation. when the state investigation started, suddenly the articles stopped.

marshall tutor, the investigator for the state Board of elections, said progress on the investigation was “slow.” He said, “of course, the problem seems to be that no one has been able to come up with a recording.” He said, “we are trying to find someone that we could take their phone records and see if we can trace it to a number.” He said so far no one has been willing to allow the state investigator to look at their phone records for the time period of the calls, and he added that it appeared all the calls in question were made in a 24-hour period.

tutor said unless someone who had received a push poll call would agree to let them look at the phone records, he would have trouble moving forward.

However, there is talk of subpoenaing the

telephone records of the two individuals who the state has been able to establish claim to have received push poll calls.

one of those two is eric townsend, a former News & Record reporter, who now works for elon University and has some history with wade.

townsend made the story odd from the beginning because he was the first, and, for a time, the only person the News & Record identified as saying they had received a push poll call. the only other person that the state investigator has been able to establish claims to have received a push poll call is not someone who was written about in the News & Record, but someone who sent an email to wade, and she turned that email over to tutor.

wade said she had been told by the state Board of elections staff that of the names they had received from News & Record reporter Joe Killian, who wrote about the supposed push polling, they had only been able to verify that townsend said he has received a push poll type call.

one call doesn’t seem like a lot to write a series of front-page articles about, but maybe it was a slow news week.

if the state does not subpoena the phone records it would appear the great push poll scandal may be over. However, if the state does subpoena the records then it should not be difficult to determine whether there were actually any push poll calls or not.

Probe(Continued from page 1)


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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 30

He said sometimes that means taxpayers have to pay more, and he added that his fellow commissioners often want to cut the most needed services to avoid a tax increase.

Gibson has been a big supporter of the interactive resource Center in Greensboro, which aids homeless people, and he’s a staunch defender of keeping nurses and dentists in the school system to make sure that disadvantaged students get proper dental and medical care.

“it’s a sin to let a child suffer for lack of dental care,” Gibson said.

He said he often finds phillips’ message confusing.

“i don’t understand what he’s talking about when he says ‘limited government.’” Gibson said. “i understand what smart government is, i understand accountable government, and i understand open government.”

phillips said this week that he feels as though Gibson is creating a straw man to run against because Gibson often makes it sounds like he, phillips, doesn’t want to help the disadvantaged, while that’s simply not true.

at the debate, phillips made it a point to say that he’s all for helping the less fortunate, but phillips said the county needs to make sure that those getting government assistance have met the proper eligibility requirements.

“we all have a responsibility,” phillips said of helping the poor.

He encouraged people to go to his campaign website and watch the video of a news 2 story that shows phillips and others working for a program called night watch on one of the coldest nights of the year. that program provides blankets and other help to homeless people.

in another issue – the county’s stance toward illegal immigrants – phillips went after a statement Gibson made on welcoming all immigrants to the county. Gibson told those at the forum that he believed with all his heart and soul that Guilford County needed a big sign at every entrance to the county that said, “welcome everyone.”

after Gibson made that statement at the forum, phillips posted on his website: “although Commissioner Gibson opened his arms up wide to embrace all immigrants legal and illegal, he did not answer the question in relation to the local economy. How does a ‘sanctuary’ nature for Guilford county effect the 17.5% unemployed black males in Guilford County? How do we afford more social services to these immigrants in a county where already, 38% of citizens receive county assistance? who benefits from the encouragement of more immigrants into a county that already has the lowest household income of all urban counties in the state?”

phillips’ statement on his website concluded: “if we bribe them with benefits, they will come, but then what will paul Gibson do with them once here?”

Gibson said illegal immigrants are here in Guilford County and it does no good to

pretend that’s not the case.“what are we suppose to do, throw

these people in the bushes?” Gibson said. “i believe we have a moral obligation for example to treat undocumented children in our dental clinic as well as our children’s health clinic. our schools should educate all children just like they are currently doing.”

“the Bible says the poor will be with us always,” Gibson said, and he added that it was our job to help those poor even if we can’t eliminate poverty.

Gibson said there are some cuts that can be made in county government but too often those cuts are made in badly needed social services.

“we built a $100 million jail and i’m not going to take that out on dss [department of social services],” Gibson said this week.

Gibson said sometimes that means paying more in taxes.

“i don’t like taxes anymore than anyone else,” Gibson said. “i have to pay them too.”

after Gibson was elected to the board in 2004, he voted – usually along with the democratic majority of the board – for property tax increases in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. in 2009 and 2010, the budgets didn’t have a tax increase. Gibson voted against those two budgets.

in 2011, when there was another tax increase, Gibson voted for the budget, and, in June of this year Gibson and the rest of the board voted for a slight decrease in the property tax rates, though that situation is complicated by the countywide revaluation. Gibson has, for years, been a strong advocate of increasing the sales tax in Guilford County.

one race that many observers say is too close to call is Branson versus perkins in district 4. on the one hand, perkins is the incumbent with a lot of name recognition; on the other, Branson has some high-profile conservative supporters, including Commissioner Billy Yow, who’s extremely popular in many parts of the newly drawn and largely rural district.

also, perkins has a lot of new districts to worry about that he’s never run in before, and he has voted for a lot of property tax increases over the years.

at the League of women Voters’ forum, perkins said those tax increase were necessary largely because, in may 2008, voters approved the hundreds of millions in school, jail and other bonds. He said that both inmates and school children need adequate facilities.

“i try to remember that everyone’s child is someone’s kid,” he said at the forum, adding that that’s true of people whether that person is a student in the county’s schools or an inmate in the county’s jails.

perkins spent much of his life as a prison guard and prison supervisor before going into real estate.

Branson had some criticism of the current board. He was critical of a plan to move ahead quickly with renovating the old jail and using it to hold federal inmates.

“there’s a lot of unknowns out there,”

Branson said of the plan. “How many federal prisoners will the state bring? that question still hasn’t been answered.”

on this issue, Branson and perkins seem to have a lot of agreement. perkins wrote in an email this week, when asked about the county holding federal inmates, that he needs more information on cost versus revenue.

“i don’t feel that enough research has been done by staff at this point,” perkins said. “i think it could be a net cost to Guilford County to house federal inmates. maybe we could lease the old jail to the Us marshals office and let them house inmates as needed. that way we would not get caught in a negative expense situation as well as avoiding other issues concerning additional inmates.”

on a different topic, Branson said he would focus on creating jobs in Guilford County – something he said he doesn’t feel perkins has done much to promote.

the sept. 18 candidate forum was unusual in that the candidates were asked quite a bit about issues over which the commissioners have little direct say – such as immigration policy or the county schools’ practices.

the Board of Commissioners does hold the purse strings for the schools. the board decides how much county money the schools get in the county budget each year, and Board of Commissioners also has the ultimate say in whether a school bond is placed on the ballot or not.

Branson said at the forum that someone needs to get a tighter handle on school spending. He said the school system could, for instance, when building new schools, use more “standard architectural design” – rather than treating every new school as a highly innovative project that requires expensive architectural design.

“to go green is fine and well,” he said, but he added that the county needs to “weigh our options” and look more closely at costs.

since Henning wasn’t at the forum, Kellerman was able to say anything she wanted without having to worry about being challenged by her opponent, though she did not have that much to say about the issues.

Kellerman has had a strange trip to say the least to get where she is now politically.

on the afternoon of the last day of filing earlier this year, a democratic organizer asked her to file to run in the district 6 race since no other democrat had filed to run for the seat. But that same afternoon, unbeknownst to Kellerman, dan miller, a college professor, also filed to run.

Kellerman then withdrew from the race, and began campaigning for miller, but Kellerman, whose name remained on the ballot, won anyway. it’s widely believed that Kellerman won because county voters vote for women over men whenever they know very little about either of the candidates.

after winning the primary, she decided to commit fully to a campaign and she said that she’s spent a lot of time studying the issues. However, at the forum, some of her answers seemed to indicate a lack of

certainty about what a county commissioner does and doesn’t do.

she said at the sept. 18 forum that she has volunteered at schools and that she wants to keep technology in the county’s schools current.

Kellerman, who still seems to be largely a candidate in search of a coherent message, stressed at the forum that she believed the county should supply the “basic health needs” of county residents.

recently, Kellerman, on her Facebook site, went after Henning for signing a no-tax-hike pledge.

after he signed the pledge and announced it, the following appeared on Kellerman’s campaign Facebook page: “my opponent, Hank Henning has tied our hands. By signing this no taX pledge, he has eliminated some of the options we may need to consider to solve Guilford County’s massive debt. teLL HanK, don’t tie oUr Hands! Vote for Linda Kellerman!”

this week Henning said he thought it was interesting that Kellerman was attacking him for signing a pledge not to raise taxes.

“i don’t think it’s irresponsible to do what voters want,” Henning said.

Henning said he feels as though he has a good start toward winning the general election since he did a great deal of campaigning in the district 6 republican primary.

Henning also said he felt like, due to running a strong campaign in that primary, republican voters in district 6 now know who he is, and now, he said, he’s knocking on doors trying to sway the voters on the fence.

Kellerman never ran a campaign to win the primary because she wasn’t trying to win it. on the day of the primary in may, she was passing out campaign materials at the polls. However, the materials were for miller, her opponent.

Henning said, despite Kellerman’s attack, he’s proud of his commitment to cut spending and find efficiencies rather than doing the same old thing and raising taxes.

“i’m not satisfied we’re spending money efficiently,” he said.

He said a gap between spending and available funding should mean cuts in spending rather than higher taxes.

“why do we always return to the revenue side?” he said. “we always go to raising taxes.”

He said he doesn’t meet a lot of undecided voters this year and he thinks that it will be a matter of “each side getting the base out.”

no matter how the elections turn out, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners is going to look drastically different after monday, dec. 3, 2012, when the new commissioners are sworn in. that’s because three long-time commissioners – mike winstead, Billy Yow and five-time Chairman of the Board of Commissioners skip alston – decided not to seek reelection this year, and one commissioner, John parks, who’s term expires, is unable to run due to the redistricting by state legislators last year.

County(Continued from page 8)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 31

airport area high school, saying the money should be spent on fixing decayed county schools. He repeated the argument at the retreat, saying the school board needs to decide whether or not it needs a $72 million high school.

the spreadsheet provided to the school board was, in a way, useless because it didn’t clearly separate projects that have substantial spending left from ones that are finished. a school in the first category is the $25 million southeast area elementary school, which was delayed for months because the school board couldn’t find land that would satisfy residents of southeast Guilford County. Guilford County schools has spent less than $2 million on the school, and has almost $23 million left to spend on it.

Guilford County schools identified 10 projects that the Facilities department is willing to close out. Guilford County schools executive director of Facilities management robert melton provided the amount left over from the 10 projects: $26.5 million, although school board members disputed that amount.

duncan said, “this is opening up a hornet’s nest.”

it is, too. school board members have different theories about how leftover construction money should be spent. often it is on schools in their districts. there is also a major philosophical rift on the board over whether money allocated to a school

should be spent on that school, even if the original project is finished, or put in a big pile of money for the school board to spend later.

duncan belongs to the “big pile of money” school. He told the other school board members that he gets looks when he says the money belongs to the school system, not the school. He said, “it’s important that we think of it that way as well.”

school board member Kris Cooke said there are “different ideologies” on the school board on the issue. she told duncan, “we know you’ve said it, but that doesn’t mean we all agree on it.”

the school board then began dickering over how much of the $26.5 million to spend now, and how much to save for projects that may crop up.

that’s where the Guilford County schools $75 “priority list,” or spending program, comes in. the $75 million figure can’t be random. the school board recently came up with a master plan that calls for $1.2 billion in spending on school construction over the next decade, including new schools, replacement schools, school additions and, the biggest number, $937 million in school renovations.

the Facilities department could have allocated whatever is left over of the $221 million to building a new school, building several school additions or whatever it wanted to. it didn’t. instead, it proposed spending $75 million on 200 repair-and-upgrade projects in 12 categories at 80

schools scattered throughout the school system.

school superintendent mo Green used the retreat to present his 2012 four-year strategic plan for the school system, the follow-up to his previous four-year plan. Both plans include “clear baseline and equitable standards” – making sure that all Guilford County public schools meet at least a common baseline of facilities, technology, media materials, teachers and activities.

teachers, media materials and activities don’t count as capital projects, but most of the $75 million in spending proposed by Guilford County schools administrators falls within Green’s baseline equity plan. two categories of projects – audio-video upgrades and the Voip system – within the $75 million plan are specifically labeled as baseline projects, but many others fit within the baseline-equity plan.

what seems to be happening is that Green plans to use leftover money from the construction programs to kick-start his baseline-equity plan by roofing and repairing schools not on the project lists and then equipping schools with modern equipment that don’t have it now.

administrators then packaged the plan to sell to the school board the same way the school board sells school bond referendums to taxpayers: by splitting the projects up between different regions.

the giveaway in the presentation was that the administrators broke down the $75 million spending plan not only by priority,

spending category and school system region, but by how much of the spending would be in the district of each school board member. that’s a political sales job.

of the $75 million in spending, $6.5 million would be in district 1, represented by Carlvena Foster; $13.7 million would be in district 2, represented by ed price; $8.3 million would be in district 3, represented by darlene Garrett; $6.2 million would be in district 4, represented by alan duncan; $7.6 would be in district 5, now represented by paul daniels but which will be represented starting in december by Linda welborn, because daniels has announced he is not running for reelection; $6.4 million would be in district 6, represented by Jeff Belton; $5.9 million would be in district 7, represented by Kris Cooke; $10.5 would be in district 8, represented by deena Hayes; $8.4 would be in district 9, represented by amos Quick; and $1.9 million would be in administration facilities.

that distribution manages to spread the wealth among the districts of all the school board members while providing more in poorer districts.

it doesn’t make much sense for Guilford County schools administrators to plan $75 million in spending out of the $221 million and still build the $72 million airport area high school, because there are too many big-ticket school projects left for which much of the money has not been spent.

in addition to the $72 million for the high school, there is $20 million that may

$72 Million(Continued from page 10)

(Continued on page 39)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 32

state work hard to keep the voting rolls up to date, and that some counties check the obituaries, deeds offices and other records in addition to the list of recently deceased they get regularly from the state.

winfree also said it’s wise to worry about voter fraud, but this type of fraud – people voting in place of the deceased – isn’t a type of fraud that worries him greatly. He said there are other forms that are more concerning.

“it’s not being done with dead voters,” he said. “Voter fraud in general is a bigger issue.”

He said this type of fraud does happen. He said he remembered a case in 2008 in which a voter went into an early voting site and gave a fake name and address.

“But out of habit he signed his real name,” winfree said.

He said the discrepancy wasn’t caught by the poll worker but was discovered by election officials later.

winfree said there are cases like that one when those casting votes illegally are caught, but he added that, due to the nature of the voter fraud, it’s difficult to determine the extent of it.

“it’s not unlike illegal immigration,” winfree said. “we know it’s out there, but

how big is it?” Concerns over this type of fraud have led

some to push for a law in north Carolina requiring voters to show identification before being allowed to vote. that way, a person couldn’t simply walk in and give the name of dead person still on the rolls.

“that’s a legislative issue,” winfree said, adding that there was a failed attempt to pass a voter identification requirement law in north Carolina.

winfree said voting in place of another person, either dead or alive, could be just “the tip of the iceberg” when it comes to voter fraud, vote manipulation and election tampering.

“a more pervasive problem is what i call ‘aggressive assistance,’” winfree said. “in some cases people ask to accompany others into the voting booth, saying, ‘i’m going to help.’”

in reality, they’re going into the voting booth in an attempt to influence the other voter. He said someone can legally only accompany another person into the booth if the voter is illiterate, blind or has a medical condition that prevents them from voting for themselves.

winfree said the potential for fraud in north Carolina increased due to a 2007 change in the law that allows same-day registration during early voting.

“in 2008, there were 105,000 people who registered and voted at the same time,” he said.

He said that 2,600 voter identification cards sent out to those 105,000 people who registered came back as undeliverable. winfree said some of those voters may have moved, but some were no doubt matters of concern.

Guilford County Board of elections director George Gilbert said voter fraud – whether it comes from voters using the names of the deceased, or from other methods – is something his office has to be vigilant about. However, he added quickly that there’s no indication of any widespread voter fraud attempts in Guilford County or the state.

He said that safeguards in the voting process should give people a great deal of confidence about the election this year.

“we’re running the cleanest elections we’ve ever run,” Gilbert said.

Gilbert said that, of the 30,000 names that the Voter integrity project turned over to the state, the state elections office was able to eliminate 10,000 names off the top before giving the remaining names to the county boards.

“i don’t know how the people got the names,” he said.

Gilbert said there’s a big downside, but

little upside, to small-scale voter fraud of this nature.

“what’s the incentive?” Gilbert asked. “to vote twice? and it’s a felony?”

He said that, in a local election, such as one in sedalia, that type of thing might be something to worry about, but even in that case, he said, small-scale voter fraud is highly unlikely to influence the outcome of an election.

He added that, in Guilford County, there have been times when someone has come to the polls to vote and given a name that’s already been marked as having voted. However, Gilbert said, that was almost always a case of a son and father who had identical names, or the case where an election worker marked off the wrong name.

in cases where there’s a dispute, it’s common practice to allow a voter to cast a provisional ballot and, at a later point, election officials determine if the vote was legitimate.

according to Gilbert, one area of real concern when it comes to voter fraud is ballot fraud by mail. if, for instance, someone requests a large number of absentee ballots be sent to the same address, Gilbert said, that might be an indication election officials should look closely into that situation.

Dead Voters(Continued from page 3)

Rumors(Continued from page 6)

Candidates forums are popping up all over the place and we wish we could let you know about them. However, we don’t have a crystal ball and have found out about two the day before they were held. if you are in charge of a candidates forum, please let us and the other folks in the media know, unless you want it to be a private affair.

- - -

if you missed The Rhino Times schmoozefest at High point art, antique and design Center on ward avenue, you may get another chance to party amidst 275,000-square-feet of art, antiques and furniture before the year is out. we are trying to work out the details to have the december schmoozefest at the design

center. the date is a little wonky because of this huge holiday the last week in december, but if we can get the date worked out we plan to be eating and drinking with out friends at the High point art, antique and design Center in december. we’ll keep you informed.

- - -

The New York Times had an article wednesday about how lower priced housing is increasing in value and catching up to more expensive homes. the article notes that more expensive homes didn’t lose as much of their value in the recession and have been increasing in value at a faster rate than less expensive homes. this is a nationwide trend and is the same property value disparity that some folks in town were attributing to a conspiracy.

Not everyone who was dancing at the Greek Festival at the Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church last weekend was in traditional Greek costume. Some were dressed like 21st century Americans.

Photo by Sandy Groover

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(PDF) Rhino9_27_12 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (21)

Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 33

Across1 Lascivious8 They have f la t tops13 Most excel lent , in

modern s lang20 Set for th21 Kind of wine22 Heir, usual ly23 French farewell24 *Male pat tern

baldness?26 Content of a 2003

decrypt ion28 With 78-Down,

charactercommemorated inthe answers to thispuzzle’s s tarredclues

29 Muddy30 Japanese consent32 *Baying?36 Transfers , as funds38 Ti t le words before

“Easy” for LindaRonstadt and“Hard” for JohnLennon

41 Coach42 Walk in the park,

say44 Menu heading46 French 101 verb47 Thumbing of the

nose48 E-mail address

ending51 *Cardiologis t ’s


54 Bridge responses56 Sen. Daniel Inouye,

for one57 Bridge response59 Hit on the noggin60 Saw to i t63 The Lion, not the

Witch or theWardrobe

65 Discovery medium66 Fingers67 *Caries?71 VCR but ton72 Pret ty up74 Tony’s re la t ives75 Occupants of the

lowest c i rc le ofDante’s hel l

77 Zig or zag78 Had haddock, say80 Dispenser i tem81 Citat ion83 *Marr iage in 2004,

divorce in 2011?90 Mix ( in)91 Inventor af ter whom

a Yale resident ia lcol lege is named

93 Soviet authorEhrenburg

94 View from a controltower

95 Sweet dr ink96 They have pointed

tops98 Bel ___ cheese99 Twist spinoff102 *Conduct c lasses?106 “What ___ thou

art , act wel l thypart”

107 Heaps108 “God helps ___ …”

110 Pi tcher of coffee?113 *Petr i f ied wood?118 Any of the Brontë

sis ters121 Necessi ta tes122 Prime cut123 Steep s lopes124 Applicat ion

enclosures , of ten125 Ecclesiast ical

counci l126 Vituperates

Down1 I t ’s a t rap2 Singer whose name

sounds l ike a cry3 *Endless bagpipe

tune?4 I tem in a box in the

basem*nt5 ___ a secret6 Heir, of ten7 St . Benedict , e .g .8 Kel logg offer ing,

br ief ly9 Clint : the Good : :

___ : the Ugly10 South of Mexico11 Heaps12 Con man’s plant13 “We Shal l

Overcome” s inger14 *Stable hands?15 Broadway bigwig:

Abbr.16 “This isn’t going

well a t a l l !”17 Poet ic ending18 Catch on19 Squeals25 Passover month27 Snowy Flor idian?

30 Audible reproof31 Rat-___33 Owns, in the Bible

34 I t can be balancedand biasedsimultaneously

35 Fi t to serve

37 Actress Sommer

39 French composer of“Vexat ions”

40 87-Down, e .g . , bybir th

43 Ext inct emu-l ikebirds

45 Frère’s s ibl ing

47 Parade f igure,informally

48 *Gold-platedforceps?

49 Man of the house?

50 Onet ime Timecompeti tor, br ief ly

52 Tighten (up)

53 Works (up)

55 See 103-Down

58 Work without ___

60 Corrupt ingatmosphere

61 Like many a di tz

62 Prime Minis terDavid Cameron’salma mater

63 “There is ___ in theaffairs of men . . .”

64 1965 t i t le role forUrsula Andress

65 Birdsong

68 Supersized

69 Language fromwhich “clan”comes

70 Dweller a long theVolga

73 Abbr. af ter many anoff icer ’s name

76 2001-02Nickelodeonsi tcom

78 See 28-Across79 Dictator ’s f i rs t

words?82 “Morning” person84 Bigwigs85 A.C. or D.C.86 When repeated, a

chi ld’s taunt

87 Comedian Smirnoff

88 Job for the HardyBoys

89 Actress Martha whoplayed Sinatra’slove interest in“Some CameRunning”

92 “S.N.L.” special ty

95 Gold prospector Joewith a s ta te capi ta lnamed af ter him

97 “Days,” for one99 Nabisco offer ing100 Agreeing (with)101 They may produce

sui ts103 Early hurdles for

55-Down members:Abbr.

104 Annual May event105 2010 Nobel is t

Mario Vargas ___109 “Bonanza” role111 Pref ix with bel

112 Name dropper ’snotat ion?

114 ___ card

115 Sl ip on

116 Musician Brian

117 Springfield’sFlanders

119 Steamboat Springs,Colo. , for one

120 European s t reaker,once, in br ief

No. 0923


ATE: 9/30/2012

BREATHTAKING By Matt Ginsberg / Edited by Will Shortz

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 40 41 42 43

44 45 46 47 48 49 50

51 52 53 54 55

56 57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64 65

66 67 68 69 70 71

72 73 74 75 76

77 78 79 80

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(PDF) Rhino9_27_12 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (22)

Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 34

100-year-old home to a vacant lot at 225 north spring st. for office space. roberts was represented by tom terrell of smith moore Leatherwood LLp.

opposing the variance request were the property owners on either side of roberts’ lot on north spring street; Carruthers & roth p.a. represented by patrick Haywood, and office Biz spring LLC represented by patrick Blaire. the opposition cross-examined roberts and other witnesses, including Ginia Zenke, the current owner of the house, which had to be moved because of the construction of the new jail.

in opening remarks terrell pointed out that the lot’s small width of 50 feet was a holdover from the 19th century, and that holding it to 21st century zoning standards made infill and reinvestment extremely difficult in some areas of Greensboro. However, he said that the spirit of the regulations encouraged the kind of development roberts was pursuing.

roberts testified that the small size of her lot limited what she could do with it, and that she felt that saving an historic house from the landfill would match the character of the surrounding area. she read several sections of the Land development ordinance and Connections 2025 Comprehensive plan that she said she felt supported her case.

Haywood said that there are other ways for roberts to make reasonable use of her property that did not require a variance.

during cross examination Haywood presented roberts with site plans that showed buildings with the same area as the proposed home that didn’t encroach into setbacks. when asked if she had

considered other uses for her property, roberts replied that she had, but that she had never gone so far as to develop a site plan.

terrell said that it was unreasonable to expect roberts to raise and dismiss every possible use for her property before determining if she could make reasonable use of it under the current ordinances or not.

Board member Frank Forde expressed concern that the eves of the house might also be too wide, although Zenke assured the board that the eves could be retracted during the relocation process if required.

Forde commented that although he thought it was a good project, he felt that roberts “hasn’t done a great deal of study” regarding her property and that he did not feel comfortable granting the variance.

Board member patti eckard said she didn’t think the house was a good fit for the lot. “to try to squish it into the lot or cut of the eves or stretch it, it takes away from the beauty of the house,” she said

the board voted 5 to 0 to deny the request with acting board Chair Cheryl Huffman and board members eckard, Forde, Jeff nimmer and Cyndy Hayworth voting against the variance. Board Chair Frankie Jones was recused from the case because of a conflict of interest.

the next item on the agenda was a request by refugio acosta, represented by mark isaacson, for a more drastic variance for an existing building. that request was granted unanimously.

acosta requested a variance for a “two-story detached accessory building” for use as a storage shed. the variance would allow the building to remain two-stories high while encroaching 7 feet into a 10-

foot side setback and 3.2 feet into a 10-foot rear setback.

the existing building is 12 feet by 22 feet, even though the permit obtained in 2003, which expired in 2009, was for a building 12 feet by 12 feet.

in 2011, when acosta added a second story to the building, it triggered a setback requirement, requiring the variance he was requesting monday.

isaacson said that acosta’s family needed the building since his household includes several children and a mother-in-law and they need the extra space to store their things.

isaacson also said that the building, which includes a two-story deck, adds aesthetic value to the neighborhood. a neighbor was also present to speak in favor of the variance and attest to the quality of care with which acosta maintained his property.

isaacson presented affidavits of support from surrounding neighbors. no one spoke in opposition.

Huffman brought up the concern that the building may be used as a second residence on the property. Huffman said that “part of the reason why these rules exist” is to prevent the construction of “mother-in-law suites.”

after several members complimented acosta on his landscaping, the board agreed to adopt a condition that no water or electricity be run out to the building to address Huffman’s concern.

the variance request was then granted 7 to 0, with Board Chair Jones and board members Huffman, nimmer, Hayworth, eckard, Forde and Joseph Hampton, who joined the meeting late, voting in favor of the request.

Old House(Continued from page 1)

dGi, but the money is still city tax money. the City Council has to institute the tax and collect the money.

this situation is even weirder than just involving Bid money, which is what the article was attempting to point out. the contract between Center City park LLC and the City of Greensboro states that the city will pay Center City park LLC $350,000 a year, with $200,000 from the general fund and $150,000 from the downtown Bid.

what makes this weird is that Center City LLC is nothing but a front organization. it has no employees and is a fully owned subsidiary of action Greensboro. in other words it is action Greensboro operating under a different name.

it would appear the reason for Center City park LLC is that the city doesn’t want to be seen giving money to action Greensboro, which is an organization made up of some of the largest foundations in Greensboro but is primarily the Bryan Foundation. action Greensboro has over $9 million in assets and over $2 million in cash equivalents according to the latest audit available to the public.

so the City Council could rightly expect some criticism for giving $350,000 to wealthy foundations that exist to give away money. the Bryan Foundation alone gives away millions of dollars every year. why it can’t spend $350,000 to maintain its own park is a mystery.

But the story is even stranger because the city allocates all the downtown Bid money to dGi to spend on the downtown – evidently except this $150,000. so why does the city take $150,000 out of the money it awards to dGi to give to Center City park LLC so that Center City park LLC can pay the money to dGi to run the Center City park? it doesn’t make any sense.

roth agrees that it doesn’t seem to make sense and said it would take her a little while longer to see if there was a good reason for the front organization receiving money or if that is actually what happened. roth said that the contract might misstate what was actually taking place.

if a check for $150,000 goes from the city to Center City park LLC to dGi, then the city should have a good reason for making the maintenance of Center City park as opaque as possible.

roth has only been city manager for a couple of months, but she certainly appears willing to straighten out some of the messes at city hall, and this appears to be one area that could use some work.

and thanks for the phone call.

City(Continued from page 2)

on blowing their grass into the streets or on the highways as you’re driving down the road? people have their window up. a rock could be thrown up and hit somebody in the face or the eye causing severe bodily injury. But do they care? no. so, what

i’m asking is, what’s up with these people that they continue to do this? are they too lazy to blow it back onto their lawns and let it decompose? somebody is going to get hurt and sue them, and i mean sue the beans out of them so they understand. then they will stop. it’s like anything else. maybe you can answer that question for me. thank you. Have a great day.

% % %

Just the obama support of the planned parenthood organization founded by margaret sanger is amazing, and so are people that follow that support. Because the actual fact is that she wrote this: our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying demonstrates our fool hearted and extravagant sentimentalism. [philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others, which brings with it, as i think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. instead of decreasing in aiming to eliminating the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a

menacing degree dominant. we are paying for, and even submitting to, the dictates to an ever-increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.”

% % %

Hello, rhinos. mr. Hammer, your first paragraph on page 2 of the sep. 13 issue of The Rhino hits the nail on the head. our failure to participate in our city, county, state and federal governments is the number one reason why our society is on the verge collapse. But the main reason for this call is about the school board and the bank. i wonder who are the stockholders of this bank. is it skip alston, or earl Jones, or any of their friends? this might shed some light on this subject of why the school board wants to now start putting money into this particular bank, which doesn’t meet any of the criteria set forth in the state. Just curious. if y’all could look that up, it would be real interesting.

% % %

a few words of wisdom for all you Rhino-loving republicans who claim to be students of the Holy writ yet have been

judging the Greensboro News & Record so harshly. Just because you say you’ve been in touch with the Lord does not make you perfect. You really need to get in touch with someone locally first, preferably somebody professional. thank you.

% % %

well, you gave me another laugh on this media bias thing. You said a column, quote, by definition, end quote, includes the writer’s bias. this note was a defense of your bias. But if it is oK, how can you criticize someone else’s? and you say you run corrections. i disagree. i said previously i have called in numerous mistakes made in your paper, but you did not print the calls or otherwise make the corrections. i will continue in my second call.

% % %

this continues my previous call. You throw around terms like, quote, everybody knows, end quote, and, quote, most people, end quote, so and so. are these just phrases you pull out of the air to try to make us believe what you do? or do you have statistics or polls to back of the use of these

Beep(Continued from page 10)

(Continued on page 40)

(PDF) Rhino9_27_12 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (23)

Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 35

tied to the land, many now were free to move away from their oppressive lords and enter city life, invigorating urban life.

so Boccaccio’s Decameron, set in the plague years, may be a marker of the renaissance in more ways than one: not only is it a literary marker of the beginning of the renaissance, but also its premise – a group of wealthy young people have fled the city to avoid the plague, and amuse each other by telling stories, 10 stories a day for 10 days – links the newly vigorous literature quite explicitly with the plague years.

so i was set to enjoy sherman’s book, to see how he treated each disease and traced the influence of the disease on cultures, governments and individual lives.

instead, i ran into serious problems of reliability.

already disappointed by the sketchiness and erratic nature of the narrative in its discussion of porphyria and hemophilia in the royal families of europe, i was absolutely disgusted by the treatment of the irish potato blight.

the writing was even more disorganized and haphazard than in the previous chapter. mentions of landlord-tenant relationships were scattered across the narrative in nearly random order, and without any attempt at depth.

sherman couldn’t make up his mind whether, at any given moment, he was telling us about how the biology of the disease worked, how the disease affected

irish agriculture, how ireland was already precariously poised on the brink of famine before the blight ever showed up, and how emigrants from ireland were treated when they reached england, Canada or the United states.

the tone of outrage was the one constant, but without nuance or any serious attempt at understanding what people did or did not know.

then there were absurd inaccuracies. sherman actually says, without irony, “only about one-fifth of the migrants survived the trip across the atlantic because of their poor health, the fact that it took weeks to months to cross, and no food was provided on board ship” (p. 28).

i tried to ignore the word “migrants” – few people really understand the difference between “migrant,” “emigrant” and “immigrant,” and it doesn’t necessarily mean the author is careless.

(to whom it may concern: a “migrant” is a person who regularly moves between one place and another, or among many places, usually in a regular pattern that crosses borders; “immigrant” is someone coming into a country from outside; “emigrant” is someone leaving a country.

(thus the irish were “emigrants” when you think of them leaving their homeland to escape the famine and poverty, but the same people became “immigrants” when they entered the United states or Canada in large numbers. what they definitely were not was “migrants.”)

what matters here is the ludicrous statement that only one-fifth of the irish

emigrants survived the voyage. even slave ships did better than that. other, more reliable sources have the opposite proportion: one-fifth died, with higher losses among children.

those numbers are dreadful enough. But if the death rate had been 80 percent, nobody would have boarded the ships. there is a limit to human desperation – survival rates were better than that in ireland itself.

the chapter is also damaged by sweeping generalizations that link unlinkable causes. widespread prejudice in england against the irish may have kept some from feeling any responsibility to deal with starvation in ireland – which had already been a problem before the potato famine – but it is absurd to link it to malthusian ideas. the anti-irish prejudice and malthusian theories were generally held by groups whose membership did not overlap.

moreover, the failure of the english to provide relief was primarily a problem of culture. Governments were not seen as having a responsibility to give aid – or, rather, that responsibility was only gradually coming to be recognized.

also, there were well-known effects of government aid that have since been largely forgotten: Government aid can destroy markets. during a time of famine, food prices soar – it’s a way of allocating scarce resources to those who are willing to pay more for it.

the trouble is that this gives a preference to the rich, and the consequences to the poor can be fatal. However, when governments,

or charities, intervene to relieve hunger, they can inadvertently destroy the market for locally grown food. By giving away or seriously underpricing food, they can make it uneconomical for farmers to bring food to market or grow it in the first place.

also, with the price so low it becomes uneconomical to transport food over long distances. when the aid stops, old channels of food distribution may be gone.

to provide aid without destroying markets requires a delicate balance – one beyond the reach of sophisticated systems available today, and certainly beyond the reach of the english government then.

add to this the fact that aid channels simply did not exist and had to be set up on the fly, and you get a famine that persisted even after the decision to help had been made.

the high moral dudgeon of the book, therefore, seemed to me to be misapplied. this was the history-book equivalent of yellow-journalism, in which villains are picked without any attempt to explain or understand motives of the miscreants.

add to this the sort of shotgun – nay, machine-gun – method of choosing villains, and the result was inaccurate and absurdly judgmental “yellow history.”

there are other absurdities that seemed to result from the author’s ignorance. there is reference to the attempt to send corn to the starving irish. in england, though, “corn” means “edible grain,” and what we americans call “corn” is generally called “maize.” thus in england the “corn

Uncle Orson(Continued from page 14)

(Continued on page 38)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 36


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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 38

Uncle Orson(Continued from page 35)

laws” referred to wheat and rye, which can be made into bread.

But maize cannot be made into bread using the same methods. so the irish, who would have had no trouble baking with the grain they called “corn” would indeed be baffled by the grain we call corn. what was missing was any notion that sherman understood the difference.

i realized that this book was irredeemably ignorant and/or imprecise with this series of statements: “the churches offered little hope since the Church of ireland was entitled to collect taxes from tenants regardless of their religion. indeed, the Catholic Church increased its ownership of property in ireland during the famine. the Church was vehemently on the side of the absentee english landlords ...” (p. 26).

this statement is stupid in so many ways. the author seems to think that the Church

of ireland was the Catholic Church. But it was not – it was the irish version of the protestant anglican Church, imposed on the Catholic majority by england.

so it is hard to believe that the Catholic Church, which was powerless in ireland during this era, could have increased its property holdings; only the Church of ireland was in a position to do so. Certainly the Catholic Church was not “vehemently on the side of the absentee english landlords” – Catholics and the Catholic Church hated the english landlords.

if a writer is so ignorant of history that he thinks the Church of ireland and the Catholic Church are the same organization – which sherman clearly seems to say – then how can any other statements he makes be relied upon?

it seems clear to me (though i’m making assumptions here), that this is a thrown-together book. sherman is no historian. He decided on his title, and then did sketchy

research to cobble together an incoherent narrative that actually reduces the reader’s reliable knowledge of the past.

this is bad history. But if i had not already known something about irish history, would i have spotted these problems?

However, any reader would notice the incoherence of the narrative line, the way thoughts jump around and thoughts are not pursued to their conclusions. it is impossible to follow the story lines, and time after time i think that any reader would be baffled by the non sequiturs.

this is actually a good thing – the book’s bad writing and nonexistent thinking will make it so the misinformation will not be effectively transmitted to the reader.

But the best course of action is not to read the book at all. which is what i will do with the remaining chapters. when i finished quoting from the book while writing this column, i left it on the plane.

How can you guess, before reading a

history book, whether it is any good or not?

one way is to look at what you know of the author. arthur schlesinger Jr., for instance, was so closely tied to the Kennedys and to liberal causes, that he (and his disciples) were ridiculously biased in their judgment of dead presidents. the much-publicized “ratings of presidents by historians” invariably quote the conclusions of this group. How surprising is it, then, that conservatives generally get short shrift, and liberals are extravagantly overpraised?

other historians, though they have their own political opinions, have earned a reputation for following the evidence wherever it leads. such a historian was the late William Manchester. i first encountered his work as a teenager, when i read The Arms of Krupp.

His account of the German arms-making (Continued on next page)


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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 39

family was fascinating to me, and while it was clear that manchester disapproved of weapons of long-range destruction in general, he was scrupulously fair in his assessment of the Krupps themselves, and even-handed in his portrayal of German culture and politics, even though he was writing at a time when the memory of world wars i and ii was still fresh.

thus i had no trouble trusting manchester’s biography of winston Churchill, The Last Lion. this three-volume work, published over decades, was incomplete when manchester died. it has now been finished by other hands and will soon be released.

in preparation for the final volume, i downloaded the first two volumes of The Last Lion from audible.com and am nearly finished with the first one. it is such a pleasure to be in manchester’s capable hands. He shows his work, but never tediously; you always get every view of Churchill.

Yet manchester also makes his judgments, and he does not “split the difference.” recognizing that he is dealing with a controversial figure, he nevertheless makes clear judgments, distinguishing between politically-motivated attacks, self-serving dismissals and actual evidence.

thus, though manchester’s own politics were probably closer to those of the Liberal and, later, the Labor parties in england, he nevertheless dismisses their attacks on Churchill’s behavior in world war i, particularly in the battle for antwerp and the Gallipoli campaign, and also in Churchill’s promotion of aviation and sponsorship of the tank against great opposition.

manchester shows that Churchill’s behavior in all these matters was exemplary, often prescient and, despite mistakes here and there, quite correct, while his critics are often exposed as petty, motivated by blind malice or political cowardice.

Yet he does not hesitate to show when Churchill was flat wrong, or when his behavior bordered on the idiotic or politically suicidal. His critics were often stupider men who resented Churchill’s superiority; they yearned to believe, and therefore often claimed, that he only prevailed because he outtalked everyone else.

they also charge him with motives identical with their own – a common, if usually unconscious, practice – so that Churchillian projects that were clearly in england’s best interest, especially when viewed with historical hindsight, were dismissed or attacked as evidence of Churchillian “megalomania” or his desire to control every ministry instead of sticking to his own bureaucratic niche.

it’s true that Churchill’s interests were wide-ranging and he often strayed out of his territory. But that’s what people with their country’s true interests at heart will always do – nations are not well-served when their leaders mind only their own business.

Churchill’s “land battleship” – the tank – if used when and how he intended, could have ended world war i much earlier, and without the needless slaughter of trench warfare, which he constantly campaigned against. His plan for the Gallipoli campaign is universally agreed to have been excellent

and, had it been carried out with mere competence, let alone courage and vigor, would almost certainly have ended world war i after less than two years, saving the lives of millions.

one of the real delights of manchester’s biography of Churchill is not really manchester’s fault. a usual flaw in most biographies is the paucity of information about the famous person’s childhood and adolescence. nobody keeps adequate records of their lives until their adult achievements start to leave a significant paper trail.

But Churchill was a copious letter writer even as a child, and everything was saved. even during the years when he was a terrible student, nearly everyone around him (except his parents) recognized his genius and the likelihood that he would amount to something in the world. in short, Churchill was, even in failure, memorable.

so manchester has copious amounts of information – letters, memoirs and eyewitness accounts – about Churchill’s childhood.

He is also fortunate that Churchill was himself a journalist and historian of considerable ability, and while Churchill’s histories are often colored by his own participation in the events – why would he not defend his own views and decisions when writing histories about events he helped to shape? – it is also true that every claim he makes about his own actions, including extraordinary heroism, leadership and correctness in battle – is corroborated by independent witnesses, often by people who disliked Churchill personally but could not deny his genius, courage and determination.

the result is a superb biography of the man i consider to be the greatest human being whose life overlaps my own. america has had no statesman of comparable ability since abraham Lincoln, and few before him (alexander Hamilton is the only likely candidate, with George washington a distant runner-up).

Churchill changed the world, and he changed it for the better. even though he was blamed for defeats he did not cause and some of his achievements were treated as defeats (his stiffening of the defense of antwerp arguably saved the British and French from having their flank turned by the German invaders), he can be credited with doing more than any other person to bring victory to the democracies not only in world war ii, but in world war i as well. and had his advice been followed and his policies pursued after world war i, there would have been no world war ii, and quite possibly no Cold war either.

of course, he also was wrong or semi-wrong about other things; even geniuses have blind spots, and certain, detailed foreknowledge is not vouchsafed to anyone. sometimes it seems that the only person in Churchill’s life more prescient was his wife, Clementine. she was able to foresee the results of his errors before he committed them; had he listened to her a little more often, he might have suffered fewer of the slings and arrows of outraged anti-Churchillians.

if he had listened to Clementine, there would have been no Black & tans during Churchill’s time as colonial secretary dealing with ireland in the last days of

British rule there. Yet Churchill was also the leading member of the government to abandon reprisal and repression and seek whatever political compromise was possible. what was worked out by him and others, michael Collins died for; but Churchill was also a leading target of ira assassins, whose murderous path – matched by murderous opponents in northern ireland – blackened irish history for a century.

indeed, Churchill became the lightning rod for every government he was part of, even when, as often happened, he had opposed the very policy for which he then took the lion’s share of the blame. it was not his policy that failed in the dardanelles in world war i, it was the hash that others made of it; and they, fully knowing this, later dared to taunt him openly for the failure of their decisions.

when the Lloyd George government foolishly supported Greek designs on Constantinople, it was Churchill who advocated withdrawing British occupation of the city and working out a political compromise with Kemal ataturk. Lloyd George refused – but it was Churchill who was blamed for not being able to leave the dardanelles alone! He made enough mistakes of his own not to need to bear the blame for other people’s.

if he had been prime minister during world war i, then the war would probably have lasted only a couple of years, and Britain would have won it decisively. the tsar of russia would not have fallen when and as he did, so that Communism might

never have achieved power there; Germany would not have been treated so badly after the war and Hitler probably would never have reached power.

But Churchill was not prime minister of england then. His policies were not followed; the world paid the consequences; then, miraculously, Churchill, as an old man, was still available when england and the world absolutely required him to stop Hitler.

the life of winston Churchill is well worth studying, and while i’ve read many good books about him, each one illuminating, in detail, episodes and eras that manchester’s broader account can deal with only lightly, i have found no other account that contradicts manchester.

He is a trustworthy historian. He is an excellent writer.

and in the audiobook, you will find that the narrator of the first volume, Frederick Davidson, is absolutely superb. His imitation of Churchill’s voice is accurate without being annoying; his pronunciation of the occasional long foreign-language quotations is excellent; and throughout, he does a fine job of differentiating voices and bringing them to life.

it is in narrating manchester’s narrative voice, however, that he does his most important work, for manchester’s perfect clarity is undiminished in the reading. this is one book that is greatly improved by listening, and not just because the volumes themselves are so thick and heavy that if you fall asleep reading them in bed, you may be suffocated by morning.

Uncle Orson(Continued from previous page)

need to be spent for mcnair elementary school, $22 million left for the southeast area elementary school, $11 million for allen Jay middle school, $11 million left for the Falkener-Hairston campus autism wing, and $11 million for southeast High school. that’s more than $140 million left in construction spending for the airport area high school and other large projects – plus millions more left in the smaller projects the Facilities department is not yet willing to close out.

it might be technically possible for the school board to spend the $75 million recommended by the Facilities department and also build the airport area high school. that would be $215 million in spending – but wouldn’t account for remaining spending on small projects, cost overruns on the airport area high school or the other remaining big projects. it would also leave the school board with little if any leftover money, something the school board hates.

it also doesn’t allow for a possible fight with the county commissioners over issuing the remaining $130 million in bonds, including bonds to pay for the airport area high school, if the school board hasn’t even been able to find land for that school.

the biggest indicator that administrators want the $75 million in proposed spending to come mostly from the airport area high school money is that, by dividing the spending up among all nine districts, it

has created instant constituencies for its spending plan.

the second-biggest problem with the airport area high school (other than a lack of land) has always been that it has no constituency. the high school was planned to absorb enrollment growth at northwest, western and southwest Guilford high schools, as predicted several years ago when Guilford County schools was growing by 1,000 or more students a year. the school system’s enrollment is now almost flat. in the seemingly endless series of public meetings the school board has held on the construction program, it’s hard to remember anyone standing up and supporting the airport area high school.

the vote to spend the $15 million, on a motion by price, was 7 to 2, with Cooke and Quick casting the two no votes.

Cooke said she and Quick voted against price’s motion because it would spend to little, not too much.

“what i voted against was that we only said we were only going to spend $15 million of what was closed out,” Cooke said later. “amos and i voted against it because i think we have more in there we could go ahead and use. i probably would have gone to 18 or 20 million.”

the school board instructed the Facilities department to come back at a regular school board meeting with a smaller list of projects on which to spend the $15 million amount decided by the vote on price’s motion.

$72 Million(Continued from page 31)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 40

have the ability to tax, so we have money coming in.”

Kee also talked about a stretch of land along east market street that he said had the potential for infill development.

perkins showed general skepticism toward the presentations given throughout the meeting, saying that the myriad of potential investments were overambitious given the city’s resources.

“we are going to dilute ourselves until we get a big fat zero,” perkins said, adding that the city should focus its economic development resources on the airport area, downtown and at the Gateway University research park in the immediate future.

“the rest of this stuff can be done over the next 20-plus years, and it ought to be done over the next 20-plus years,” perkins said.

Councilmembers also discussed the two-month food truck pilot program, which is meant to test the viability of allowing food trucks downtown.

during tuesday’s meeting the council reached a consensus that the pilot program wasn’t really necessary. Citing the potential benefit from and public support for downtown food trucks, councilmembers expressed interest in just changing the ordinance to allow the trucks permanently.

“to me we’re going through a lot of machinations for nothing,” perkins said of the pilot program, which will designate space on Commerce place for food trucks to operate on a rotational basis during october and november.

Councilmember trudy wade had made a motion to simply allow food trucks downtown at the meeting tuesday, sept. 4, where the pilot program was approved. at that meeting Councilmember Zack matheny also supported lifting the ban on downtown food trucks.

However citing the time it will take to craft and approve an ordinance to allow the food trucks, the council gave staff direction to go forward with the pilot program in the meantime.

Prescription(Continued from page 9)

superlatives? if you do not print these calls, we can assume they are of good taste or of good sense, so you edited them out.

% % %

on a daily basis i hear, and i see, paul ryan say the most incredibly awful thing. i’m not sure what is wrong with this man, but i certainly don’t want him to be our vice president. i think that he’s trying real hard to be the next dan Quayle. well, not quite. dan Quayle with a mean streak. % % %Editor’s Note: And our current vice president doesn’t make gaffes? Check out Vice President Joe Biden’s latest statement about cheerleaders.

% % %

i was just watching a pat mcCrory commercial. if he gets elected, he’s going to allow drilling for oil off the coast of north Carolina. You know, we americans use 75 percent of the world’s resources. and it’s no wonder we’re so unpopular with other countries, and they think we’re greedy. and look at what happened off the coast of Florida, and new orleans, and alabama when Bp had a problem. Let’s not drill off our coast. we don’t need oil that badly. we do have alternative energy sources that we can tap into, windmills, sun power. Let’s use some common sense and quit raping the earth.

% % %

Editor’s Note: On a calm, cloudy day, where are you going to get your electricity?

% % %

as someone born and raised in north Carolina, i’m really against drilling off the coast. i think it’s – off the coast of north Carolina. i think it’s totally unnecessary. i

think it’s irresponsible, and it’s my belief that just as the Bp whoops happened and damaged all those states, including Florida, this is not the path to take. Continue to plunder the earth for resources and use more than our share, is very unwise, extremely unwise. it’s going to – it will – it will come back on us and not in a good way. we don’t need it that badly, and we don’t need anybody in office who wants to do something like that in my opinion.

% % %

this is for my democrat friends that are so blind they cannot see. if they could see well enough to read this, they should now. Voting in Barack obama is not going to pay your health care. the government is broke. they have no money. with romney, maybe they can cut back on things to where we can survive for a few more years. and the next thing, if obama had your interest at heart, when he got sworn in, had a democrat Congress and senate, he would have concentrated on jobs and energy. that’s what this country needs. and he knew it. But he wanted to take over. His idea is to take over. His idea now is to be voted back in again. that’s all he has to do. He could have approved the pipeline. He could start drilling. there’s a lot of things he could do to give you jobs. He’s not interested in yours. He don’t have any idea of what you need. all he’s interested in is what he can get for himself.

% % %

i’m just reading the Beep in the thursday, sept. 13, edition. nice to see all the democrats calling in about their views. i’d just like to say i’m a life-long republican. i always vote republican every time. and i really think that both parties are lacking in their integrity and wanting to do anything good for the country. i think we really

Beep(Continued from page 34)

(Continued on next page)

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CheCk us out on the open house page

Children Are Our Future

Greensboro Natural Science Center4301 Lawndale Drive

Dinosaur Train Nature Trackers Adventure Day

On Saturday, Sept. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., join Buddy the Dinosaur from the popular PBS KIDS’ show Dinosaur Train and become a

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Silly Saturday: Rock Star!On Saturday, Oct. 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., get ready to rock and roll.

In celebration of Worldwide Day of Play, we’re holding Rock Star Saturday. Wear your best rock star clothes, stop in at the tattoo parlor,

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Dalton Staying Far Away From Airplanes in Campaign (a CJ Parody)

An Investment Plan For N.C.’s Economic Recovery

By RiCk n. BaCheRAviation Correspondent


Democrat Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton, hoping to avoid the air travel problems that have caused so much trouble for Democratic gov-

ernors Bev Perdue and Mike Easley, says he has no plans to go anywhere near an airplane during his campaign for governor.

“We will use and pay for buses, trains, cars, and vans, even ATVs and bicycles, but we are going to stay away from flying machines,” he told Carolina Journal. “I just see no upside to flying in this state.”

The lieutenant governor said he has some staff-ers who have urged him to continue the questionable airplane-usage policies of Easley and Perdue because he could probably get away with them.

“My staff says that since nobody in North Car-olina knows what I look like, I could easily cadge flights from rich contributors without anyone know-ing,” he said. “But that would be wrong, I told them.”

In 2009 the State Board of Elections issued a $100,000 fine to Easley’s campaign committee for his unreported use of private aircraft. Then an investiga-tion by a state prosecutor resulted in Easley pleading guilty to a felony related to an unreported flight. As a result of the felony, the North Carolina State Bar suspended Easley’s law license for two years.

In 2010 the elections board issued a $30,000 fine to Perdue’s campaign committee for unreported flights. Two campaign supporters have been indicted for felonies related to unreported flights, and one of them is scheduled for trial on June 11.

Dalton’s campaign finance reports already show he can win an election by staying on the

ground. He was the victor in the May Democratic Party primary election for governor without having ever left terra firma.

“If you don’t fly,” he said, “you don’t have to

get anyone to lend you planes, which has histori-cally been the cause of many problems for my fellow Democrats.”

Dalton’s plane phobia will not end if he is elected, the lieutenant governor says. “When I be-come governor I will use the state jet and helicopter for official business, but that’s about it, unless I buy a second home in New Bern or Southport,” he said. “Of course, then I would be entitled to fly at taxpayer expense provided I claim to be working, just like Ea-sley did.”

The travails of Perdue and Easley have caused concern in the aviation industry in North Carolina. Flight miles are down drastically, affecting pilots, fuel suppliers, mechanics, and general aviation pret-ty much stateside.

“Several representatives of the private flight in-dustry have already suggested to me that some relief must be provided for this ailing industry,” Dalton said. “These are hard times for everyone, especially owners of private jets who must pay expenses even when their planes sit on the tarmac.”

Dalton said he will work with Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan to obtain stimulus funds or some other business-stimulus grants from the federal gov-ernment.

“We can’t let such a formerly vibrant industry go into the dumper just because the media has made it difficult, if not impossible, for politicians to misuse airplanes,“ Dalton said.

In the meantime, Dalton says he has staffers researching a good locatioin where unused private jets can be mothballed, at least until everyone quits paying attention to how they’re used. CJ

Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton, who has eschewed air travel for his gubernatorial campaign, heads out to a campaign event recently. (CJ spoof photo)

An Investment Plan For N.C.’s Economic RecoveryThe ongoing debate in Washington and the upcoming national

campaigns for president and Congress will offer plenty of opportuni-ties for pro-growth politicians to craft, explain, and sell reforms of the federal budget, federal taxation, federal regulation, and federal agen-

cies and programs.In the new book Our Best Foot Forward: An

Investment Plan for North Carolina’s Recovery, John Locke Foundation President John Hood tells North Carolina’s policymakers and citizens that economic policy is not the exclusive domain of presidents, federal lawmakers, or the Federal Reserve. States and localities can play critical roles in economic policy —

for good or for ill.We invite you to read and share this plan for our state’s recovery

with your family, friends, and co-workers. Go to http://johnlocke.org for more information.

John Hood

The John Locke Foundation, 200 W. Morgan St. Suite 200, Raleigh, NC, 27601919-828-3876 • JohnLocke.org • CarolinaJournal.com • [emailprotected]

(PDF) Rhino9_27_12 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (29)

Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 41

need to get rid of all of them and start over. But i usually – if i don’t vote straight republican, i vote for which one i think will do the least damage. and that’s what i’m doing this year. and it’s not going to be for a democrat. thank you, bye.

% % %

will there ever be a finding in any poll which people reading the poll should include as a reason to change their vote? Just something to think about.

% % %

i believe in love, and that’s all the faith you need. that’s by rush.

% % %

well, i see in the news and fish wrap this morning that we have panhandlers for miracle House of Hope, a Charlotte-based nonprofit up here begging, along with all of the other beggars that we have in Greensboro. i think it’s a shame that we’re calling the beggars to be so far away from atms, so far away. why not just ban the beggars altogether? they’re unsightly. most of them are doing nothing

Beep(Continued from previous page)

and, by they way, if you watch that last play of the Giants/Bucs games, the totally surprised manning, flailing backward to the ground, looks like he just might fumble, and, if he had lost the ball, the Bucs players would have been there to jump on it because they hadn’t given up yet.

Listen, anything can happen in the game of football.

think of the miracle at the meadowlands or just ask the 1982 stanford college football team, or ask the highly unfortunate stanford trombone player in the end zone who got a first-hand up-close course on the potential of miraculous game-winning plays in football.

But now the Giants and many others in the nFL are still whining because first-year coach schiano doesn’t know you’re supposed to stand by and take a loss quietly as the other 31 teams in the league do every week.

it is astonishing to me that grown men (who are supposed to, by the way, be the toughest of the tough) are acting like such a big bunch of spoiled babies in this situation. it’s unfathomable to me that they think they have a right to demand that the other team just lay down and die. Come on, this the National Football League – not the little schoolgirl powder-puff flag-football league.

i don’t know what complaint will come next from the Giants and their fans who are whining about this. maybe after a

play-action pass, they’ll point to the ref, outraged, and say, “ref, how can you let that happen? they were clearly deceitful. they pretended like they were going to run the ball but they actually threw it! no fair!” or after a draw play, they may shout, “Hey, ref, he cheated! He pretended like he was going to pass. that’s low!”

Former new York Giants quarterback phil simms, on showtime’s Inside the NFL, said this week that the Bucs action would have been oK if the defense had “communicated” to manning and the offense that they were coming hard so the Giants players could prepare.

and i read later that the Giants were even more upset because manning told the Bucs when he walked up to the line of scrimmage that he was simply going to run out the clock.

“i said as i walked up,” manning said, “Hey, we’re taking a knee.”

well, that’s fine, but the Bucs have no obligation to tell the Giants what they’re going to do.

since when in the game of football do you have an obligation to tell to the opponent what your intentions are? that’s one of the dumbest things i’ve ever heard. if this desperation play was going to work at all, one thing that might help was the element of surprise. Like i said, if you watch manning flail backwards it looks quite a bit like he almost dropped that ball.

a few years ago i wrote about something that happened to william “refrigerator” perry when he played at Clemson. perry

was a first-team all-american defensive lineman at Clemson – but he was certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed, and opposing players knew that.

so, in one game, at a critical point in the game, when the quarterback for the other team came out of the huddle and was walking back to the line, he said to his players – making certain that perry heard him – “on two, everyone.”

so then perry knew the count. only, the snap wasn’t really on two; it was on three or four or whatever. and the quarterback said, “Hut!” “Hut!” and on that second “Hut!” perry, certain of the count, charged across the line like a madman. He was the only player to move, and the refs looked at him like he was crazy and called off sides.

perry looked at the ref, outraged, and perry pointed at the opposing quarterback and shouted out, ”ref, he said it was on two! He said on two!”

i think the current argument against schiano has even less weight than perry’s argument to that ref does.

Football is a game of deception, speed, skill, surprise and brutality – and a professional football game last 60 minutes – not 59 minutes and 30 seconds.

and during those 60 minutes anything can happen. and if you’re a player or a coach who doesn’t like that, well, then, you need to get out of football and take up a sport more suitable to your nature – such as, perhaps, badminton or synchronized swimming.

Football(Continued from page 8)

(Continued on page 42)


Dalton Staying Far Away From Airplanes in Campaign (a CJ Parody)

An Investment Plan For N.C.’s Economic Recovery

By RiCk n. BaCheRAviation Correspondent


Democrat Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton, hoping to avoid the air travel problems that have caused so much trouble for Democratic gov-

ernors Bev Perdue and Mike Easley, says he has no plans to go anywhere near an airplane during his campaign for governor.

“We will use and pay for buses, trains, cars, and vans, even ATVs and bicycles, but we are going to stay away from flying machines,” he told Carolina Journal. “I just see no upside to flying in this state.”

The lieutenant governor said he has some staff-ers who have urged him to continue the questionable airplane-usage policies of Easley and Perdue because he could probably get away with them.

“My staff says that since nobody in North Car-olina knows what I look like, I could easily cadge flights from rich contributors without anyone know-ing,” he said. “But that would be wrong, I told them.”

In 2009 the State Board of Elections issued a $100,000 fine to Easley’s campaign committee for his unreported use of private aircraft. Then an investiga-tion by a state prosecutor resulted in Easley pleading guilty to a felony related to an unreported flight. As a result of the felony, the North Carolina State Bar suspended Easley’s law license for two years.

In 2010 the elections board issued a $30,000 fine to Perdue’s campaign committee for unreported flights. Two campaign supporters have been indicted for felonies related to unreported flights, and one of them is scheduled for trial on June 11.

Dalton’s campaign finance reports already show he can win an election by staying on the

ground. He was the victor in the May Democratic Party primary election for governor without having ever left terra firma.

“If you don’t fly,” he said, “you don’t have to

get anyone to lend you planes, which has histori-cally been the cause of many problems for my fellow Democrats.”

Dalton’s plane phobia will not end if he is elected, the lieutenant governor says. “When I be-come governor I will use the state jet and helicopter for official business, but that’s about it, unless I buy a second home in New Bern or Southport,” he said. “Of course, then I would be entitled to fly at taxpayer expense provided I claim to be working, just like Ea-sley did.”

The travails of Perdue and Easley have caused concern in the aviation industry in North Carolina. Flight miles are down drastically, affecting pilots, fuel suppliers, mechanics, and general aviation pret-ty much stateside.

“Several representatives of the private flight in-dustry have already suggested to me that some relief must be provided for this ailing industry,” Dalton said. “These are hard times for everyone, especially owners of private jets who must pay expenses even when their planes sit on the tarmac.”

Dalton said he will work with Democratic U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan to obtain stimulus funds or some other business-stimulus grants from the federal gov-ernment.

“We can’t let such a formerly vibrant industry go into the dumper just because the media has made it difficult, if not impossible, for politicians to misuse airplanes,“ Dalton said.

In the meantime, Dalton says he has staffers researching a good locatioin where unused private jets can be mothballed, at least until everyone quits paying attention to how they’re used. CJ

Lt. Gov. Walter Dalton, who has eschewed air travel for his gubernatorial campaign, heads out to a campaign event recently. (CJ spoof photo)

An Investment Plan For N.C.’s Economic RecoveryThe ongoing debate in Washington and the upcoming national

campaigns for president and Congress will offer plenty of opportuni-ties for pro-growth politicians to craft, explain, and sell reforms of the federal budget, federal taxation, federal regulation, and federal agen-

cies and programs.In the new book Our Best Foot Forward: An

Investment Plan for North Carolina’s Recovery, John Locke Foundation President John Hood tells North Carolina’s policymakers and citizens that economic policy is not the exclusive domain of presidents, federal lawmakers, or the Federal Reserve. States and localities can play critical roles in economic policy —

for good or for ill.We invite you to read and share this plan for our state’s recovery

with your family, friends, and co-workers. Go to http://johnlocke.org for more information.

John Hood

The John Locke Foundation, 200 W. Morgan St. Suite 200, Raleigh, NC, 27601919-828-3876 • JohnLocke.org • CarolinaJournal.com • [emailprotected]

(PDF) Rhino9_27_12 - DOKUMEN.TIPS (30)

Thursday, September 27, 2012 The Rhinoceros Times GreensboroPage 42

but dropping cigarette butts all over everything. Beer bottles, wine bottles, and the paper wrappers from hamburger joints. it should be done away with completely. it’s unsightly to the City of Greensboro.

% % %

dear republicans. the immature, uninformed, unprofessional actions and behavior of mitt romney and paul ryan over the past two weeks have made it crystal clear that the presidential race is over. to save yourselves and the country further embarrassment and ridicule on a world-wide basis, please tuck your tails between your legs, go home, and fully accept that your intelligence, ethics, morals, and values are un-american, anti-capitalism, anti-Christian, and anti-democracy. if the presidential race was a boxing match, it would be stopped and declared a tKo for obama. if it was a little league game, it would be stopped on the mercy rule. please understand that you are not bad people. You are simply very, very sick people who don’t know that you have a serious disease. the good news is that there is help for you. it starts with honesty, open-mindedness and a willingness to accept years of remedial education and a complete deconstruction of your ethics, morals, and values so that they may be transformed into good, old-fashioned….

% % %

it starts with honesty, open-mindedness and a willingness to accept years of remedial education and a complete deconstruction of your ethics, morals and values so that they may be transformed into good, old-fashioned american ethics, morals and values. we democrats are here to help you whenever you are ready, and we will be praying for you.

% % %

Hello Beep. i have a question. is Chris matthews now writing for The Rhino Times under the pen name of Bob Kollar? Just thought i would ask. thanks.

% % %

i’m calling for all the people who like myself were upset by the recent letters in the other paper regarding the tax value. i called because i didn’t think it was right for my house to have a $175 a square foot on the value. when i talked to the person, turned out my value was like only $70 a square foot. what you do is you take your tax value and divided by the square footage of your house and that gives you the amount that’s used. % % %Yes, with all this controversy around all the fake classes at UnC-Chapel Hill for the athletes and other students, i’m really starting to get concerned about the doctors that graduated from Chapel Hill, and the lawyers that graduated from Chapel Hill. did they really pass all their classes? are they really competent to serve in the

medical community and serve in the legal community? there is lots of doubts in my mind about any graduate from UnC-Chapel Hill.

% % %

the proposal to name the new southeast elementary school after robert w. Utley is an outstanding proposal. mr. Utley was

principal of nathaniel Greene school for like 22 years. and, then, he was assistant superintendent in charge of facilities and grounds for another 20 years. He’s the only one of the names mentioned that got up every day and worried about children getting a education and being in a safe, good environment. He would be great ...

% % %

Beep(Continued from page 41)

type of environmental preservation.one factor that may have made Barnes’

decision easier is that he’s in the process of selling the farm’s 300 head of cattle and largely getting out of the farming business. these areas weren’t used much in the first place, but Barnes does have, for instance, some cattle bridges over the streams.

Barnes said it’s his understanding that selling the stream mitigation rights won’t affect any plans to develop an industrial park. the Board of Commissioners and area economic development officials have expressed a great deal of interest in turning the prison Farm into an industrial park. recently, a large company considered putting a giant food distribution facility on the property. However, that company pulled out.

Barnes said preservation companies study maps and satellite photos to find

areas with streams and they discovered that the prison Farm held a large supply of unsold stream mitigation rights.

the sheriff said that, when the idea first came up about five years ago, former County manager david mcneill chose not to pursue selling any stream mitigation rights.

“david got a price, but he didn’t want to do anything about it,” Barnes said. “nothing came from it.”

at that time, the price being thrown around was $500,000. now that number is over $1 million.

Barnes said about 62 acres would be affected.

the Guilford County Board of Commissioners is expected to put the rights out for bid in the next month or two.

early last year, Guilford County made over $200,000 by selling dirt at the prison Farm to a company doing road construction nearby.

Mud(Continued from page 8)

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Thursday, September 27, 2012The Rhinoceros Times Greensboro Page 43

By John Hammerdid the fact that mitt romney was secretly taped saying something that we all know to be true about how people are going to vote change your mind about whether or not to vote for him?

more importantly, were you planning on voting for romney and now you are definitely going to vote for president Barack Hussein obama based on one statement?

the vast majority of the voters in this country would answer no to both of those questions and polls back up that assessment. But you would never know that by watching the news or reading what is being written in the mainstream media.

the mainstream media hate romney because it looks like he has a good chance of beating their man, president obama. the media is overwhelming liberal, and i don’t mean moderate. they are liberal and see everything through liberal lenses.

Former public editor for The New York Times arthur Brisbane agrees, even though he waited until his final column to agree. it would appear he didn’t want to get fired before his term was up, and The Times claims to be unbiased. in fact, the executive editor took issue with Brisbane’s column.

Brisbane wrote, “across the paper’s many departments, though, so many share a kind of political and cultural progressivism – for lack of a better term – that this worldview virtually bleeds through the fabric of the times.”

on tuesday, sept. 25, long after everyone knew that no mob attacked the consulate in Benghazi – because the white House is still talking about it – The New York Times (a formerly respectable newspaper) used “mob violence” and “anti american protests” to describe the events on sept. 11 in Libya and Cairo.

obama knew that it was not “mob violence” in Benghazi, and it was not “an anti-american protest” – unless you consider a terrorist attack an anti-american protest. so are we now to speak of the events of sept. 11, 2001 as an “anti-american protest.” when soldiers are killed in afghanistan by an ied is that an “anti-american protest?”

obama should not have been allowed by the media to get away with those remarks on sept. 12, the day after the consulate in Benghazi was attacked by well-organized terrorists. But he certainly should not be allowed to continue that boldfaced lie. and if The New York Times was not full of toadies that operate as an arm of the obama reelection campaign, rather than as a newspaper, it would not repeat such lies as if they were true.

it is sad for those of us in journalism to see a once great newspaper fall so low that you can no longer trust the articles to be honest. But the current New York Times is far too partisan to be concerned with truth.

it is difficult to exaggerate just how partisan the mainstream media are right now. they see the election slipping away from obama and they still believe in

“Hope” and “Change.” it appears that the majority of the country has had enough of Hope and Change and Forward, but the mainstream media is going to be doing its utmost to get obama reelected.

a misstatement by romney results in a week or more of articles, but obama and, even more so, Vice president Joe Biden can say any stupid thing they want and it may or may be mentioned by the press. But that is all it rates is a mention.

obama has said that austrians speak austrian. there are 57 states. medics in the navy are corpse men. and Hawaii, where he grew up and attended an exclusive private school, is in asia. He gets a pass on all of those. oddly calling navy and marine medics corpse men really seems to be the worst. He is their commander-in-chief.

, , ,

romney supporters seem discouraged lately, while romney doesn’t seem to be the least bit discouraged. He seems buoyant and is working hard on his transition team, which seems like an odd thing for a man so far down in the polls to be doing five weeks before the election.

the difference in the candidate and his supporters may be attributable to the polling data that each is receiving. the presidential campaigns traditionally have excellent pollsters. it is one reason they at times seem to be flying off to campaign in some state where the national polls say they don’t have a chance. one reason the campaign polls are far more accurate is modeling. if the sample used doesn’t reflect the same percentages of democrats, republicans and independents that will actually vote, it can be weighted to send any message the pollsters want.

the campaign pollsters know what those percentages will be and model their polls to meet the correct criteria. some of the national polls have an entirely different agenda, which is revealed when you look at the data behind the polling.

according to people who claim to know such things, the most well-known polls are making a couple of major mistakes. The New York Times/CBs poll oversampled democrats by 10.7 percent and under sampled independents by 11.2 percent according to unskewedpolls.com, a website that takes apart the polls and analyzes them based on projected modeling figures.

the obvious reason for The New York Times/CBs poll to be so far off in the percentage of democrats and independents is that is what was needed to put obama ahead. the theory is that people want to vote for a winner. the polls, like the mainstream media, are heavily weighted in favor of the democrats.

the percentages of democrats and republicans who will vote is a projection, but the pollsters know pretty accurately what they will be.

according to unskewedpolls.com, when you take the bias out of the polls and use models that reflect what the most likely

voter turnout will be, then polls like The New York Times/CBs poll that show obama leading 49 percent to 46 percent actually show romney leading 54 percent to 44 percent.

along those same lines, dick morris, in a recent column, made a similar point from a different angle. morris said that undecided voters at this point in the campaign have decided that they are not going to vote for the incumbent but haven’t committed to voting for the challenger. He said that on election day the undecideds will vote overwhelmingly for romney, so his recommendation was that you simply take the undecideds and add that percentage to romney’s percentage.

morris also writes about the modeling like unskewedpolls.com. morris notes that some polls that are not way out of whack are using the 2008 election as a model. in 2008 the democrats had remarkable turnout and that is not expected to be repeated in 2012. morris says that one of the reasons rasmussen shows the race much closer than some of the other polls is that rasmussen is using a model based on 2004 and 2008, which they say is much closer to the turnout that is expected.

a completely unscientific but relevant observation points to the same conclusion. a college professor told me that four years ago it seemed like every student on campus was wearing an obama t-shirt, and this year they are hard to find.

students voted in vast numbers for obama four years ago and they just aren’t supporting him the way they were. a lot of college students hope to get jobs when they graduate and they don’t see the obama economy as providing those jobs.

obama is no longer the outsider that college students can identify with. He is “the man.”

it really is too bad that the mainstream media are so partisan. obama said that the most important lesson he has learned in his first term is “you can’t change washington from the inside.” obama is the president of the United states. He lives in the white House. He not only gets to hang out in the oval office but gets to bring his dog, Bo.

obama is the ultimate insider. You can’t get any more inside than the president. if what he has found is he can’t fix washington while being president, like he said, he shouldn’t even vote for himself. so if you think that washington needs to be fixed then you certainly should not vote for obama because he knows he can’t do it.

, , ,

the mainstream media got so hyped up because romney made a statement about the apologetic statement the embassy in Cairo released both before and after the mob overran the embassy, that it ignored the statements that obama made about the attack on the Benghazi compound which are less than true. obama used the term “mob” when referring to the attackers and, as he knew and we now know, it was not a

mob but an organized terrorist attack. obama also said that he found out about

the attack on tuesday “night.” the attack began at about 4 p.m. tuesday, washington time. if obama didn’t find out that a Us state department compound had been attacked and an ambassador was killed or missing for four or five hours he should fire the upper echelon of the state department, starting with secretary of state Hillary Clinton. However, it is highly improbable that in this world of instant communication the first president to have his own BlackBerry would not know about an attack on the Us within minutes.

president Franklin delano roosevelt in a different era didn’t have to wait four hours to be told about pearl Harbor being attacked. president George walker Bush was interrupted reading to students when the Us was attacked on sept. 11, 2011.

if the white House and the state department were not expecting some attacks on the anniversary of 9/11 then they are not doing their jobs. But then obama’s chief advisor is Valerie Jarrett, who really doesn’t have any experience with the state department, foreign affairs or the federal government. she does, however, have a lot of experience with government corruption and shady real estate deals.

romney was correct in his statement and obama incorrect in his, but all the media can talk about is romney’s statement.

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one more question about the attacks. a reporter for Cnn was asking a top aide

to secretary of state Clinton – philippe reines – by email why random Libyans were wandering around the Us consulate in Benghazi and why the state department had not secured Us property. and the response he got was to “F--- off.”

what is incredible is The Washington Post defended reines for being loyal to Clinton. imagine if an aide to rep. paul ryan responded to a reporter with an email like that. it would be the top story, and no one would be defending the aide.

the Cnn reporter also used some foul language but nothing to that degree, and his questions were legitimate. He kept asking a very good question, one that has not been answered. why was the site of the american compound in Benghazi not secured after the attack? why was a Cnn reporter allowed to wander ar ound the site and find the diary of slain ambassador Chris stevens?

But for a highly placed official in the secretary of state’s office to reply to a reporter with an answer like that should be news, and he should be fired because clearly he can’t handle the pressure of dealing with the press. reines is reportedly a Clinton groupie, so maybe she could hire him to work at her house, clean her windows and make her bed because it doesn’t appear he is cut out for dealing with the press.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.